Monday, December 9, 2013
Revelation 12:11
And they overcome him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
"It is much easier for me to imagine a praying murderer, a praying prostitute, than a vain person praying. Nothing is at odds with prayer as vanity."
"The religion of Christ is not a tidbit after one's bread. On the contrary, it is THE bread or it is nothing. People should understand and concede this if they call themselves Christians."
"Christianity conceals within itself a germ hostile to the church."
Such are the words and thoughts of Dietrich Bonhoeffer as read from a new biography about the man.
Called to pastor, Bonhoeffer carried out his call during the turbulent times of Nazi rule in Germany. Seeing that the church had succumbed to the rule of the political party, Bonhoeffer saw an infusion of Nazi doctrine into the teaching of the German church. Such disturbed him greatly. He felt led to remain in Germany teaching and preaching even when all his friends were telling him to flee to Britain or the United States for his own safety. He felt God was leading him to stay.
If you are looking for a gift for someone who, I would recommend Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas.
For years I have kept a dogeared copy of Bonhoeffer's classic writing, Cost of Discipleship close at hand. And there isn't a week that goes by that I don't find myself returning once again to the incredible work. Coining the phrase "Cheap Grace" Bonhoeffer saw a church that welcomed the sinner, without ever addressing the need of a change of heart. In other words, God will forgive you and not expect any change in your heart or life. Bonhoeffer saw salvation as the agent that brought change to the heart and character of an individual. That the call and acceptance of salvation set one on the path that was determined by God himself for the Kingdom. Now that doesn't mean that everyone runs off to Bora Bora to be a missionary, but what it does mean is that our lives are no longer ours when we are saved. We are to put ourselves at the disposal of God to be directed for His purpose and Kingdom. Not a very popular thought in our society today. Today the mantra is "Come to Jesus and have a happy, happy prosperous life."
You know, I have such problems with those statements. The idea that if I surrender to this Jesus, then He will straighten out all my mess and give me a life that is comfortable and free from trouble. I came across the most disturbing thought the other day when I was reading Scripture. I was reading the passage where Jesus was at the temple with his boy's and he pointed to a woman whose husband had died. She was bringing her offering to the Temple....a few pennies. As she dropped them into the treasury box they clinked and clanked and I sure a few people around her hid their laughter. What difference did that small pittance make? Jesus told his disciples that she had given everything she had. It was more than anyone else had given. We don't know what happened to this woman, as she disappeared from the pages of Scripture. We don't read anywhere that Jesus followed her and gave her a wonderful ,comfortable life where she had no physical needs. My guess is that she lived out her life loving God, giving what she had as she could. We really need to grasp the thought that life is more than "stuff". Life is more than the accumulation of wealth and power. Real life....true life is found in Jesus. The outward circumstances of what we have to face daily is but an opportunity to allow God to grow us. I don't know much, but I do know this.....You cannot marry the world and Christ together. I don't accept Christ to fit him into my life and my lifestyle. I give my very life to him.
In the end, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was killed for what he believed. Not only what he believed, but how he lived his life. Sometimes the truth of God is powerful and painful to those who oppose it. It becomes so painful that the only alternative to stopping it is to kill the messenger.
I would recommend both of these books.
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
Cost Of Discipleship
God on you....
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1 comment:
All Christians need to look at the life Bonhoeffe.
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