Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Two's Day-Cloudy-Muddled-Kind-Of-Logic-Thinking

Revelation 19:11
After that I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse appeared. The One who was riding it is called Faithful, Trustworthy, Loyal, Incorruptible, Steady, and True, and He passes Judgment and wages war in righteousness, holiness, justice and uprightness.

Jesus is love....
Jesus has a hatred....
A hatred for sin...for the kingdom of our enemy, the devil.
He recognizes that everything in creation has been tainted, twisted, warped and soiled by the mind and handiwork of Satan. Jesus not only knows this, He has experienced it on a cross. Just as Jesus has a hatred for sin....the devil has a hatred for anything holy and pure. He seeks to corrupt and soil as much of God's creation as he can.

But Jesus also knows a plan has been, and is being carried out  ever since the fall in the garden of Eden. That History, if looked at with natural vision, appears to be one failure after another as mankind has sought to devour each other. Those of us who are followers of Jesus know this to be far from the truth. God is always at work, saving and redeeming that which was lost.

So why write about God's plan and Jesus' hatred for sin?
Because it is here all around us today. In fact, we have been invited to join in the plan. We have been extended an invitation to be a part of something that is changing the world one soul at a time. That is why I get up every morning and churn out another posting for this blog. I want to share with you an incredible truth that has changed me and my family. 


1.) God does love you
Oh we say the words....We may even sing the words. But have you ever felt the words? I mean, really feel the love of God enfolding you and flooding your very soul. The devil wants to flood your heart and mind with doubts and fears. Fill you with questions and emotion. Why? Because if he can do this, he will keep your focus away from God.
Try this....
Even though you may be going through some terrible times and seem not to have any answers, close your eyes.
Now say this simple sentence...
"God loves me".
Put the emphasis, as you say it, on the word "GOD"
Now, say it again only this time put the emphasis on "LOVES"
Now, one more time, but this time put the emphasis on "ME"
DO this three times.
I know...I know...you feel stupid.
Well, that's o.k.   I felt stupid the first time I did this...
But you know, the emotional turmoil I had found myself in seemed to go away as I let the truth of how God feels about me soak in.

2.) God will provide for you
God will meet your physical needs. I have witnessed this in my own life and marriage over the past 34 years.
Matthew 6:33 - But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His Kingdom (God's rule and reign in your heart and in your life) and His righteousness (His ways of doing and being right) And then all these things (food, shelter, job..your physical necessities) taken together will be given you besides.

When I put God first....
I mean really first, not just in my mind...
Then I am in a place to receive the blessing of God.
May not mean you'll dine on gourmet food, or drive a Rolls Royce...
But it does mean that God will move on your behalf to provide.

Thanks for stopping by GSL...
Hope you find God today.
He's already found you.

God on you...

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