Sunday, May 7, 2017

It Was A Wind-y Kind Of NIght

What a night.....
Good food...wonderful fellowship....hanging out and catching up....all done in the presence of God. How cool is that?
The band WIND came in to lead worship for VRC last night, and lead they did. Instrument and voice combined to lift us all into that place where heaven is a little more real, and the things of this world seem to fade away. I love such moments as these when God is so real and your heart is drawn to Him.

Seth Barber brought the teaching from John 5..."The cripple man at the pool of Bethesda".
I didn't know that the word "Bethesda" means House of Mercy, but it could also be translated as House of Shame. The incredible picture of God's mercy being poured out on those who have lived in shame. Those that the world didn't want, and had cast aside upon the garbage heap of humanity.

We do the same thing today....
The transient....
The whore....
The addict....
The troubled teenager...
Those who are elderly and have no family to help take care of them.
For the most part are cast aside, with a religious thought that "God will take care of them, we won't have to."

Ministry/prayer time was once again awesome, as people came forward and gathered around the cross we set up each week. There was some healing that took place. Some were set free from old demons and habits....Some made a commitment to begin a journey with Christ. I sure that after we finish our meeting, an angel comes through with a broom and dust pan and sweeps up all the trash and baggage that has been left at the foot of that cross.

There were a lot of memories created last night that I can add to the file cabinet in my mind. I know that these memories will comfort during days and times when the winds of problems and situations that I have no answer for blow hard against me. Such times, I will pull the memories out and running them over and over in mind, and lean hard into that wind. For such wind will not last forever.

Thank you Father for friends and family....
And thank you for what took place in that room last night...

(Special thanks to all the core leadership of VRC for helping to serve our guests last guys rocked the kingdom!)

God on you...

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