Tuesday, January 10, 2023



Funny how we try to rationalize this idea of following Jesus. I read a quote by a pastor who said, "We don't really want to follow Jesus....we want to follow American Christianity." This gave me a kind of "Whoa there" moment, as I had to take a look at my own life. Am I truly given to this idea of following Christ? Or have I hitched my wagon to a method....a concept that is couched in religion?

Do we follow Christ simply to be free of the darkness of addiction, or do we fully understand the cost that comes with a commitment to follow. Now, don't get me wrong. To be free of the bondage of addiction is a wonderful way to life, but once free then what? If we are not changed by the power of God, then we will return to that old lifestyle the first time something hard comes along. A decision we have to make that runs contrary to what we truly want to do will be extremely hard to embrace with the Spirit of God living in us. Yeah...I know...I just some old geezer who doesn't know what he's talking about right? Well, I 've seen this more times than I care to remember. Someone gets saved and is on fire to change the world. Worthy thing to do except that there is change that needs to take place in their heart first.

I love the words of Psalm 37:3-5. They pain a perfect picture of what is required of us to move forward in our relationship with Christ.

TRUST in the Lord and DO good.

DWELL in the land and enjoy safe pasture.

TAKE delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

COMMIT your way to the Lord....

TRUST in Him and He will do this.

Five things God calls us to do. Did you notice that this list began and ended with a call for us to trust God? Maybe that is where I need to turn my attention....trusting God at every turn, in every decision. Think on these things this day.

Don't forget! ReCovery Church will be meeting this Thursday evening @ 6:30 p.m. Until next time........God on you.

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