Saturday, May 16, 2009

John Piper's Response to President Obama

I have watched this video for several different reasons, the primary one being how John Piper conducts himself in talking to President Obama.

Speech is a hot topic these days and I can see a time, not long from now, when speech will be policed. That saying the wrong thing according to those in positions of authority and power, will bring punishment.

Unless something happens.......
Unless we allow God to act....and by that I mean, open our hearts to obey the call to follow Jesus, every day, every way....
We will have church meetings and gatherings that will grow weaker and smaller because of our disobedience.

I do not write these words as one who is unafriad.
I write them as one who has followed this Jesus for a number of years. In this following, I knew that this was where we were headed. A time of defining. We will be defined by who we believe not what we believe. Like Paul, I claim that I know "WHOM" I have believed and am confident in His ability to keep what I have entrusted to him until the day of salvation.

I will say what God desires me to say....
I will say it where He wants it spoken....
I will follow my Jesus....
Not as a martyr, but simply as one who believes.
Whatever happens, happens....

God on you....

1 comment:

Bobby said...

The truth, spoken with great passion and conviction!


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