Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Trusting God....Really Trusting God

Psalm 107:20
He sent out his word and healed them, snatching them from the door of death.

Psalm 119:140
Your promises have been thoroughly tested. That is why I love them so much.

If this is Wednesday, then that must mean we had a Bible study at Rapha last night....and we did.
Good group...
large group....
Ready to soak up some word. 

Taught from Genesis 22...God tests Abraham.
God tells him to take his son, Isaac, to Mount Moriah and offer him there as a burnt sacrifice. What? Yeah...Go kill your son Abraham.
Don't you know such a command set off all manner of bells and whistles in ol' Abraham's head. But you know what? He obeyed...He knew that God had sent Isaac as a promise to Sarah and him. Isaac was the son of promise, that through him Abraham and Sarah would have more descendents than stars in the heavens. 

So what does Abraham do?
Load up the whole kit and kaboodle and head out.
All the time trusting God that His word was true.
Abraham was willing to go through with this act of killing his son because he trusted God.

We see Abraham's faith in Genesis 22:5 when he tells his servants to "Wait here...the boy and I will travel a little farther...we will worship there and then we will come right back." 

As the story goes...
Abraham obeyed...
God stopped him short of plunging the knife into Isaac.
God provided a ram for the sacrifice...
God blessed Abraham for his faithfulness and trusting in the promise He had made to him.

So what is this all about?
Testing not temptation.
What is the difference between the two?
Testing is God's way of revealing our hearts so that we can see the true nature we possess. It is His way of helping us understand areas we need to be aware of that need to change. It shows us our level of faith in him. As for Abraham, I think he took the gold prize.

Temptation serves no purpose except to draw us away from obeying God.
Temptation will usually involve feeding our fleshly (or sin) nature.
IT's not a sin to be tempted...
It is a sin when we act on the temptation.
So just be aware of the two and realize the difference.
Have a great Wednesday!

God on you...

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