Some will read this posting and not think much of it.
Some may read it and think I am stretching the truth.
Some may read it and think, "Wow...God you are so good."
Bottom line, I know that God speaks.
Vicki and I have been in prayer for a situation that our youngest son is facing.
Truly we don't have any answers from our own strength or wisdom. That is why we have been in prayer asking God for wisdom and understanding about what our part in all of this was to be.
Today, I prayed and ask God to speak. To give me some direction to let me know what to do, or even if I was suppose to do anything. I didn't want to stop God's hand from working by me taking over trying to make something happen.
I drove out to Rapha today, parked my truck and got out. As I did something shiny lying on the ground caught my eye. It was perhaps 10 yards away from my truck and was just lying there. I walked over to see what it might be. It was a quarter, lying face up. The sun had hit it just right causing it to reflect.
I picked it up and turned it over.
It was an Arkansas state quarter.
Wouldn't think to much about it but my son lives in Arkansas.
Co-incidence? I think not.
The next thing that caught my eye was the two dates.
I went to my office (quarter in my possession) and grabbed my Bible.
Page 1836......Acts 13:13-26
Several things spoke to me.
Paul was spoken to by those in the synagogue and told, "If you have a word of encouragement for the people, please speak." This confirmed that I was to be a voice of reason and encouragement to my son during this time.
Verse 17 state that the people prospered during their stay in Egypt by the hand of God. This spoke to me that what my son currently was facing in this situation would provide provision and what he needed if he sought the Lord fully. Not to be dismayed about where he was but look beyond to what God was trying to do in his life.
Page 2003 was the kicker:
Philippians 4:14
Yet it was good for you to share in my troubles.
God confirmed that we were to share and aid my son during this time. He was still going to speak to my son and give him direction on what to do, but Vicki and I were being released by God to come along side and offer assistance.
verse 16 of same chapter reads:
For even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent me aid again and again when I was in need.
I don't know how God will work this out, but I trust him to.
As with any financial things that might rear there heads in front of us, my wife and I look to God who own the cattle on a thousand hill sides and pray, "Father...we have a need. Could you have a beef sale?"
I know that God spoke to me today through a quarter that was left lying on the ground.
Kind of makes me wonder what we miss because we don't see it.
Help me to have vision Father and that I might not miss what you are trying to show me.
God on you........