Matthew 4:4
Jesus answered,"It is written:'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
I have found myself parked in this verse most of the day.
I have read it probably more times than I can count or remember. It isn't a hard verse and contains no cryptic hidden message. It is pretty straight forward and too the point.
Jesus is speaking in reply to a request the devil has made of him.
The devil wanted Jesus to take matters into his own hands and solve the problem of the hunger that he was experiencing.
As usual, the devil was speaking on a flesh level and Jesus was living on a spiritual level. The two never meet. Have you noticed this. That flesh and spirit never seem to be on the same page or in agreement. They are at odd with one another.
Jesus' reply to the devil was delivered in this manner.
"It is written."
What Jesus was about to speak was thousands of years old and had been written in the book of Deuteronomy. It wasn't an idea that Jesus just came up with, but rather a command given by God to Moses for the people of Israel. It wasn't a suggestion or a hint or a request.....it was a command. To top it off, it had been written down for the ages.
What Jesus was about to speak was thousands of years old and had been written in the book of Deuteronomy. It wasn't an idea that Jesus just came up with, but rather a command given by God to Moses for the people of Israel. It wasn't a suggestion or a hint or a request.....it was a command. To top it off, it had been written down for the ages.
Jesus identifies who this is for. "It is written.....man (or humanity).
Sinful, fallen, in darkness and without leading.....man.
Man shall not live....that means outside of God and his words, there is no life. No reason to exist. We find completeness in Him and total darkness and death outside of Him.
Man shall not live by bread alone.
The basic food for survival on this planet is not enough to save man. There is a greater food that has been given to mankind. The Word of God. The Manna from heaven given daily to man. It is given and all we have to do is harvest it through hearing and allowing it to mix with our faith to bring about God's plan for us.
Have you feasted on the Word of God today?
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