There in the middle of the fuss stood one woman, the accused. Now say what you will....say it isn't fair.........say they, the religious rulers, are not right but you cannot say that the woman isn't guilty. She is, and it is this guilt that demands she be killed according to the Law of Moses. It is from this place, the place of being ultimately caught, that the woman offers no plea.
The one thing I pointed out last night was that those who have built a history of sinful behavior that breaks the law, live their lives escaping the punishment they deserve. They hire lawyers to get them off the hook, even though they are guilty. They beg, cajole, use and manipulate anyone and anything (including the legal system) to get off from having to serve jail time or be punished in any shape, form or fashion. Yet, there is coming a time when they will be ultimately caught and be forced to stand before God to give an account of themselves. At that time there will no lawyers to rely on. No legal wrangling to get out from under THE punishment they have brought upon themselves. They are "ultimately" caught.
I see this in the behavior of guys who come through our program. They have skated the law and punishment and have managed to escape. They bring this same mentality to being convicted by the Holy Spirit. Please God! Let go free. Forgive me and I won't do it any more, only to return to sin shortly thereafter. God will not let this slide. They will be a payment for the sin that is collected in the account of whomever continues to live in darkness. The Bible clearly states, For the wages of sin is death. Wages......that which we earn. That which is due us. We will be paid if we do not come to Jesus for salvation.
I like what Jesus told the woman after all her accusers had left. She is there alone with Jesus, not knowing what is going to happen. Jesus asks her, 'Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?" She replied, "No one Lord." Jesus spoke with compassion in his voice, "Neither do I condemn you: go and sin no more."
There in those two statements we see justification and sanctification.
"Neither do I condemn you." She was justified. Jesus wasn't excusing her sin. Jesus was winking and saying, "It's all right...just don't do it any more." This was a glimpse of what would be brought into play upon Jesus' death and resurrection. The door to relationship with God would be thrown open to wide to all who answered the call to salvation. Praise God! What a Savior.
I am grateful for the gift that God has extended to me in my salvation.
My desire is to truly "go and sin no more.' No excuses. No manipulation. Just a chasing after Jesus with all my heart.
It was a good night.