Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Forget Miricales Preach Holiness" by Leonard Ravenhill

With all our glitz and smoke and "Stuff" today that the church utilizes, we look at video's such as this and label it out of touch or out of date. For me it burns with the message of just how shallow my own faith is. How I have settled for less than what God desires of me. To couch and clothe in religious jargon that which is not truly from God. Quick to utter prophetic words that stem more from my flesh than from the Spriit of God that lives within me.
I need a fresh touch from God.
I need to be revived.
I need to be awakened.
I need to learn how to love.
I need to cast off all the trinkets and baubles of this world to embrace the purifying fire of God.
Oh that He would burn me deep and long that I might truly know just how wretched a man I am. More than knowing, my I resolve to cast off through confession and repentence, that which has battled for my attention and affection I owe only To God.
Let Revival Come to this Camp!

God on you...........

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Dang! I with you and Leonard! Good stuff!


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