Today is a present. It is unlike most Saturday's here at Rapha in that the men will be gone to visit another church tonight. Since they will not be here, I don't have a service to plan for so I get to read, study, relax and enjoy this day without the thought of leading tonight.
Every man here has a different story that has ended with the same result. A life of choice that went wrong and has brought on destruction by a cumulative collection of bad choices. Funny how things pile up behind you that affect your today. We don't really consider how much damage our past truly does to us when we neglect to do the right thing.
I have had on more than one occasion, men come to me and talk about how the police just have it out for them. That no matter where they go or who they are hanging out with, the police seem to always be around. Could it be that their past track record has created the need to keep them under surveillance? I would say yes. I usually tell them that it is a funny thing about life. I am 57 years old and have never had to worry about being tailed or followed by the police. I have never had to worry about traffic check points and "I need to see your license." Could it be that when we refuse to deal with our past and the deeds we have done, it follows us and only brings more trouble to us? I think so.
Romans 1:18 reads:
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.:
Did you catch that?
God's wrath.......
God's anger..........
God's wrath.......
God's anger..........
is being revealed (once hidden but now manifested before us in ways that we can see and understand) from heaven...
What is the target of God's anger?
All godlessness and wickedness......
Where does it come from?
Why does it come to them?
Because they suppress the truth. Another translation says they "hold down" the truth...
Another says they "Push away" the truth.
Where does it come from?
Why does it come to them?
Because they suppress the truth. Another translation says they "hold down" the truth...
Another says they "Push away" the truth.
How do they do this?
By their wickedness.
By their wickedness.
The evil man does is from a heart that is bent on sin.
When the truth comes, it isn't accepted. It is rejected.
Such belief only uncovers the wrath and anger God has for such decisions.
This usually is seen through the broken relationships.
This usually is seen through the broken relationships.
Jail and prison time.
Everything that could go wrong, usually does.
But God in his infinite mercy says that it doesn't have to be this way.
He has made the ultimate offer or restoration to humanity who not only rejects Him but hates Him.
He paid the price for our salvation.
Receive it today!
God on you.........
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