Big week ahead.
Teaching all day here at Rapha.
Teaching tonight to a group from North Glencoe Baptist.
Teaching tonight to a group from North Glencoe Baptist.
They are one of my most favorite groups to be with.
They usually invite me every 2 to 3 months to come and
teach on two consecutive Monday evenings.
Why do I enjoy being with them?
They worship!
They worship!
They worship totally and completely!
Whether they have music to accompany them or not...
They worship!
I usually sit back with my eyes shut and just listen to them sing.
Vocally, probably not your church choir...
But from the heart, no one touches them.
Their worship always sets the tone of the evening
Asking God to come and be with them.
To manifest himself there in that room.
To manifest himself there in that room.
So I go expecting God to show up and touch, heal, restore and
draw us into his presence.
Lot of questions out there in this old world today.
Lot of voices that claim to have the answers to those questions.
Government says one thing.
Newscast say another.
Neighbor's all have their view.
I even have my own.
All pale in comparison to what God has to say.
Maybe I should take my questions to him.
Sometimes when we ask questions, we don't get the response we want.
In Act 1:6-7 we read:
So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time
going to restore the kingdom to Israel?"
He said to them, "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father
He said to them, "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father
has set by his own authority."
It is natural for us to have questions.
It is natural for us to want answers.
When the two collide within our relationship with God,
We must rest IN FAITH that God is in control
and we are following him daily.
There are certain events and situations that are going to happen
to our country.
God spoke it through the Scripture.
God spoke it through the Scripture.
All you have to do is read II Timothy 3:1-5
I know, I know...it says "in the last days."
And you're thinking that this was written thousands of years ago.
You would be right.
But if it was written thousands of years ago, would it not stand to reason
that we are "laster" than we have ever been?
Take a look around at humanity and their behavior and personality.
Self-centered, egotistical, and without shame.
I think the question that should be asked is......
"How much longer will you delay God?"
God on you.......
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