I chose the picture above to kind of drive home a point.
Too many people get caught up in what I call
"religious word wrangling. "
How many angels can stand on the head of a pin?
Where did Cain's wife come from?
Did Jesus actually drink wine or was it grape juice?
Debating a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do
Debating a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do
with my salvation
or affords me nothing of value that will aid
me today in my walk with God.
I believe that the Bible is a practical book
to show us a practical lifestyle
that honors God. A lifestyle that I am incapable of living so God puts His Holy Spirit in me to guide, teach and speak to me about the daily things of life.
The Bible tells me "how"
The Holy Spirit tells me "where and when"
The Holy Spirit tells me "where and when"
My belief's are simple.
The eternal things of God rests on one simple fact.
The eternal things of God rests on one simple fact.
A historical fact but one, none the less, that is a miracle.
A man named Jesus went to a cross on a hill outside
the city of Jerusalem.
There members of the ruling religious system
along with military personnel overseen by
a Roman Procurator
brought sentence on this man, Jesus.
The one thing they could not have known or foreseen
was that this man, Jesus did not allow himself to be killed,
but rather chose to surrender his life according to the
dictates of God the Father.
Once dead, all those in government, both foreign and domestic.
Both political and religious, breathed a sigh of relief.
Jesus' body was given to his people who placed him in
a tomb that was borrowed from a man named Joseph of Arimathea.
Great steps were taken so that what had been rumored in
the streets and back alley's of Jerusalem could not take place.
Whispered comments about this Jesus coming back to life were common
knowledge among the people.
Whether it was true or not was the hotly debated topic.
Whether it was true or not was the hotly debated topic.
Guards were placed at the tomb.
A huge stone was rolled over the entrance and was
A huge stone was rolled over the entrance and was
sealed .
Every item was taken care of to insure that even the slightest
hint of a conspiracy could not take place.
Guards were checked and double checked to make sure they were
Guards were checked and double checked to make sure they were
not taking bribes from the disciples of Jesus
in order to look the other way while the body was stolen from the tomb.
The best efforts of mankind were brought to bear.
Humanity locked away this would be Messiah
in an attempt to flex its collective muscle and show God
that we were a species to be reckoned with.
The efforts of mankind didn't matter.
The stone rolled away.
The soldiers fell down as dead men.
The stone rolled away.
The soldiers fell down as dead men.
Morning broke on the first day of the week
Jesus stepped from the tomb.
Not the beaten, bruised and battered carpenter of Nazareth,
but the risen Son of God.
And with this fact.
This historical fact of resurrection
This historical fact of resurrection
everything changed.
A new belief system and a new way of life was ushered in.
There in the garden with death all around,
Life resurrected by the Holy Spirit
in Jesus the Christ/ Messiah / Anointed one
Stepped out to show us the way.
IN the book of John, Jesus had proclaimed that he was
the way,
the truth,
and the life.
Now, here in the Garden...Jesus walked that statement out.
So my belief....
My life....
My entire being
My life....
My entire being
and my future destination
is found in the
miracle work of Jesus rising from the dead.
The resurrection!
It may not be Easter, but Praise God! HE IS RISEN!!!!!
And at some point in time, if I haven't already crossed over
to be in His presence,
He will come back to gather His bride, His church
to be with Him forever more.
As the group DANIEL AMOS sang;
I guess you aren't expecting no resurrection tune....
World doom.
World doom.
That story's got to be bunk about that trumpet tune...
Cheese on the moon...
Won't your peepers get the creepers when you realize
Cheese on the moon...
Won't your peepers get the creepers when you realize
It's all happening before you eyes....
Oh my! You'll fry as we wave good by to you.
Oh my! You'll fry as we wave good by to you.
Jesus really is one you've been searching for to bring
peace to your heart and mind.
I'm just crazy enough to believe He is who He says He is...
And He will do what He says He will do.
I'm just crazy enough to believe He is who He says He is...
And He will do what He says He will do.
Check Him out!
God on you....
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