Romans 1:21-22
Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks, and they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they became utter fools instead.
If ever there was a time to see the truth found in the verses above, it is now. One only has to look to government to find the folly of man.
Stimulus packages that stimulate nothing.
The money spent is only propping up an economy that is a reflection of the heart of the people of this nation.
We are a greedy people who seek only their own well being.
We are a greedy people who seek only their own well being.
We bandy about the name of GOD, letting it roll off of sinful lips in a effort to portray ourselves as something other than what we truly are.
We praise the name of God
and lie in the beds of our adultery against him all the while saying, "No one knows. No one will find out."
He knows.
He sees.
He keeps records of our deeds and words.
What is whispered in darkness will be shouted from the roof tops.
Oh that we would turn from our wicked ways.
Even today, during the singing of the song Amazing Grace, made the comment to me that they were not "wretched" as the song says.
Even today, during the singing of the song Amazing Grace, made the comment to me that they were not "wretched" as the song says.
Like the Church of the Laodiceans, we say that we have need of nothing.
We are rich.
We have everything we need and want.
God looks upon our lives and says that "you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked."
We can't even give an honest assessment to our own spiritual state.
O Lord, I have heard the report of You and was afraid. O Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make (yourself) known! In wrath (earnestly) remember love, pity and mercy.
In wrath, in your anger remember your mercy.
We stand at a point in our nation that we are without hope if you don't come and revive us.
We stand at a point in our nation that we are without hope if you don't come and revive us.
We are in need of major move of your spirit.
I pray that we have not passed a point to where you have removed your hand and no longer choose to work through us."
We cry for you to begin with your people, your church, your bride. Come because we have forsaken you and your plans in order to lay hold of the world's plans.
We have forsaken your heavenly wisdom for the wisdom of the world.
We have created programs and agendas, we have exalted those who teach the word above the Word.
I pray that we have not passed a point to where you have removed your hand and no longer choose to work through us."
We cry for you to begin with your people, your church, your bride. Come because we have forsaken you and your plans in order to lay hold of the world's plans.
We have forsaken your heavenly wisdom for the wisdom of the world.
We have created programs and agendas, we have exalted those who teach the word above the Word.
We have pushed you aside, O God, and have taken your church over.
I give you back control of that which you have called me to.
I give back to you those commitments made long ago that have somehow gotten pushed aside and placed on a lower shelf, only to gather dust as I tried to minister in my strength.
I give you back control of that which you have called me to.
I give back to you those commitments made long ago that have somehow gotten pushed aside and placed on a lower shelf, only to gather dust as I tried to minister in my strength.
Lord, I know that you have seen what I am capable of...
And you are not impressed.
And you are not impressed.
Now, I need to see what you are capable of.
May I stand in awe as you come and touch all the dry and dead places, causing life to come forth where before, there wasn't any.
May I stand in awe as you come and touch all the dry and dead places, causing life to come forth where before, there wasn't any.
You be God in this day.
You be God in this camp.
You be God in this camp.
You be God in me.
In the name of Jesus Christ
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