Monday, March 15, 2010

The Kingdom Of God

Mark 1:14-15
Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."

Such an incredible teaching if one can truly read and understand what is meant by the kingdom of God. It must be an important part of God's plan because it is mentioned 126 times in the gospels.

The kingdom of God is not a mental exercise on my part. It is not a cursory nod to a concept of heavenly authority. It is a reality that exists around us as we walk out our relationship with God.

The kingdom of God has precepts, commands and behaviors that are expected of me. There is a dynamic that takes place as God pours out on me his rule and reign. In turn I give away to other's around me from this rule and reign. In Acts chapter 8, Jesus said that after the disciples had been covered and filled with power (Holy Spirit), they would be his disciples in every town, village and country in the known world. As I receive this kingdom, I am a witness for Jesus. What does that mean? It means I tell "MY" story of what God has done to me. How he changed my life and gave me purpose. My participation or lack of participation will affect not only me,, but people around me.

I John 3:8 says that "The Son of God has been manifested (appeared/ made known) to destroy the works of the devil." That is kingdom of God. God has invaded our time and space is at work destroying the plans and works of the the kingdom of the devil. God does so one life at a time. Have you ever prayed the Lord's Prayer?
Many of us have and yet we never realized the power that we have prayed for as we said those words. "Your kingdom come....Your will be done...on earth as it is in heaven." That prayer cries out to God for his kingdom to manifest here in our towns, in our lives, in the lives of our family and friends." His rule and reign come down....and be done, accomplished, established as the kingdom of darkness is pushed back.

Why not pray for the Kingdom to invade your heart and life today?
That the plans and darkness of the devil be pushed back and replaced with the presence of God's Holy Spirit.

God on you..........



1 comment:

Bobby said...

The Lords prayer or the Model prayer should be a part of our daily prayer life. One day His Kingdom will fully come to the earth....until then we are called to advance it.


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