O.k.....I'm the one who sometimes see "Symbolic stuff" in an event that happens in our world. Call it a sign, if you will, but I feel God is trying to show us or lead us to pay attention to what is going on.
First off, I do believe that God uses the natural around us to speak, although I don't always get it. I think He gives us tokens and pictures to get our attention. Call it a sign. If you don't believe that a sign is important go up to that house with the one posted that says, "Beware! Pit Bull with Rabies". Go ahead! Open the gate and walk on in. In Scripture, God used signs to get the people's attention. To turn their thinking and focus toward seeking Him and His will for that day and that moment.
You see, I want to be like the children of Issachar mentioned in I Chronicles 12:32 -- "And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do....." You see, it's the whole "understanding of the times" being able to discern God in the events that are happening around us. That is what I want.
Jesus told the Pharisees in Matthew 16:3 ....."And in the morning, it will be foul weather today, for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, you can discern the face of the sky, but can you not discern the signs of the times?"
I believe that God's words and God's work's are happening around us, but we don't always see them. (disclaimer-- I am in no way saying that we put our Bibles down to look at nature. I am saying that God uses nature to explain our current situations which should, in turn, lead us to Scripture for answers on what we are to do.)
I have said all of that to say this:
When I read in the news that Greece has been overcome with what is referred to as a "plague" well it causes my spiritual ears to hone in. When I read that the plague the news service is referring to is frogs, well I'm very interested. My first question is always, "What are you trying to say through this Lord?" Let's take a look.
According to stories coming in over the news wire, the plague is taking place near the town of Thessaloniki. Sounds familiar....Oh yeah, the Apostle Paul wrote two books in our New Testament...now what were they? Oh yeah....First and Second Thessalonians.
Paul wrote to a new church, a baby church and shared some thoughts with them.
1.) Stand firm in the face of continued persecution.
2.) Remain constant in the faith and in the Word of God.
3.) Continue in mutual love for each other.
4.) Walk in an orderly fashion (after the example Paul gave them)
5.) Have a correct view concerning the resurrection and the second coming of Christ.
These are points that we are called to follow, not as regulations or commands, but as a simple by product of having the Holy Spirit working in all who are believers. In other words, what Paul has written is a revealed portion of the TRUTH of God. These 5 things I've written are not held by the world as being of value. In fact the world scorns anything that comes from God.
Greece, being the center, during Paul's day, was looked to as the height or pinnacle of human wisdom, thinking and philosophy.
Paul gives an example that can be found in Greek culture and life, even today, and of the modern world in his writings of Romans 1:21 - Because that when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became foolish.
Frogs, in Scripture (especially in Revelation 16:13) the frogs represent false reason against the truth of God. They ( in Revelation 16:13) went forth out of the mouth of the dragon (Satan) and of the mouth of the beast, and of the false prophet. They went forth to deceive and draw kings of the earth into a battle. Theologian Emanuel Swedenborg wrote that "frogs" were a symbol that represented a state of the human mind and spirit that reasons from false principals and lower "worldly precepts, rather than from God's precepts.
We see whats going on now in Greece. Riots and uprising, rebellion and lawlessness and it isn't because the people are demanding spiritual benefits or holy perks. It is happening because of a humanistic, worldly thinking that is devoid of God attempting to find happiness for their life here and now. They have no regard for the truth of God or for the prophetic future we read in Scripture. In other words, Jesus is coming back! You can bank on that little deal.
According to the godguy blog (
http://www.godguy.wordpress.com/) he writes, "Human attempts at reaching some truly worthy goal (destination) are hindered by false or flawed reasoning. In the same way that any physical form of travel (as in cars) has been hindered by the gazillion frogs covering the road (as of this writing, there have been many accidents as some have tried to drive over the frogs).
In reference to the date of the news article (May 27 or 5/27) I looked up in Scripture Psalm 52 Verse 7. Hmmmm!
Ps. 52:7 - Lo, this is the man that made not God his strength, but trusted in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his wickedness.
coincidence? I don't think so. We see the governments of this world all rejecting God and his Word. All trying to build themselves up and strengthen themselves, all the while trusting in the power of finance as a means to weild power and rule. I don't think the events in Greece are isolated and solely for Greece. I believe God is speaking to the entire planet and is saying, "Hey guys.....you better wake up and see and understand the truth."
Sounds and looks like a sign to me.
God on you...