Tomorrow is Mother's Day.
All across this land, homage will be paid to women who have done more than simply given birth to a child. We will honor women who have nurtured, raised, taught and loved us.
I always look to Proverbs 31 whenever I approach Mother's day.
V.10 - A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
I know that there are good mothers out there. I know that there are women who are filled with love and compassion and every thing good and godly that this verse speaks of. Too often our society places great value on image and financial security rather than character. Character seems to have fallen by the wayside and is even frowned upon by some. The Word of God said that a woman of good character is worth more than rubies.
V.11 - Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
I have supreme confidence in my wife. I am her greatest champion and supporter. I firmly believe that part of a husbands roll is provide a place where his wife can be all she is suppose to be. Scripture says that husbands are to love their wives "As Jesus loves the church". Jesus' purpose is to see that the church grows up in him and be all that it is suppose to be. Same with our wives. Husbands are there to love, protect, help, guide and support their wives.
V.30 - Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
The Lord is to be first and foremost in the home. Mothers are to teach their children. Not the church, not the school but Mother's. I can look back at the times my own mother spent reading to me from the Bible. Telling me the stories of David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lion's den, Jesus healing blind bartimaeus. She taught me how to pray. She instilled within me a love for God's church.
God in his infinite wisdom and love, put within women a heart for the children they give birth to. It goes deeper than a father's love. Maybe it is because the woman carries the child within her body for nine months. There is a connectedness that science cannot explain between mother and child. A mother will forgo her own needs in order to take care of the child. She does so from a heart of love not from necessity.
Thank you God, for mothers.
Happy Mother's Day!
God on you.......
Saturday, May 8, 2010
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