Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Did you ever really stop and think about how the Bible opens up in the book of Genesis? It could have started a gazillion different ways. It could have opened up with a greeting: "Hello, I'm God and I'd like to take a few moments to introduce myself to you."
Genesis could have gone off a so many different directions, but God, in His wisdom, saw fit that He should take humanity, those lost or saved, behind the curtain and show how everything started.

Genesis begins with a very simple statement that is really beyond our comprehension. "IN THE BEGINNING GOD....."
The assumption is that God was has always been around. That he created time as a canvas upon which to measure the story of mankind. Even the measuring of our story as a species shows and reveals God's love for us. It shows that even through all our mess ups and mistakes, our sins and transgressions, God's is faithful even when we weren't. God's faithfulness is found in the plan that He brought about to rectify and correct the mistakes made in the garden by the first woman and the first man.

Genesis reveals that God is a God of order. That no matter how big the chaos of the situation, He has the ability to look into it and bring order to it. To arrange and set in place the very things that bring stability to our lives. That is a comfort to me.

I'm grateful that God would allow us to see the beginning of life as we know it and be introduced to the power and awesomeness that is God's nature. What better way to introduce yourself than through those wonderful words "In the beginning God."

Until tomorrow...
God on you.......

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