I wrote this particular posting for my own personal need. It stems from a need to be reminded of who I am in the body of Christ and that my own "views" are not on the same level and authority as Scripture. By that, I mean that I do not possess the liberty or freedom to say things to other people who may disagree with my teaching, doing so by using the name of God to cover my own fleshly anger. When ever we look to someone else, maybe their teaching or style of ministry, it is dangerous for us to begin such a view with the idea that "I am right and he is wrong." Yet this is the place I find most people start from. I am basing what I see in you and measuring it against what I know about myself. My views and my life become the yardstick for measurement. Well, I don't think so. I do not have the luxury or the right to act in such a manner. We all stand measured against the truth and Word of God.
If I claim to speak and teach in the name of God, then I am open to criticism and correction. That is part of the call we receive when we say yes to God. I do not get to decide what is and what isn't an attack by someone else. God will reveal this for what it truly is. It is so easy, and in fact has become the norm even among God's people to resort to name calling when one is challenged on what they have said or taught. When someone dares question a particular teaching or view that we may have given, it is easy to strike out by saying.."It's a religious spirit on you that is causing you to say these things...I won't accept them." Excuse me? If I come to you and try to speak truth in love about something you taught, don't resort to religious word wrangling. Dude, if I have a religious spirit on me, then please pray for me and even seek to cast it out. Don't simply name it and turn your back on me. There is no love in such behavior. Since there is no love.....well, you get my drift. What happened to "pray for you enemies" and "bless those who persecute you for My name sake."
I have seen and heard people who would couch their teaching in such phrasing as "The Lord who does not lie has revealed this me!" Who in their right mind would speak against such a statement when confronting someone in love about wrong teaching?. Yet we use such language to keep people from speaking against us. I am a student of John Wimber who simply said, "You don't have to hype what your are teaching in a bunch of religious jargon. If you have spoken wrongly, the Holy Spirit will reveal it and it is your duty to repent, confess and turn away from such things."
Jesus was speaking about real attacks that come when we speak or teach the truth. Here again, why is it we automatically assume that anyone who speaks against us is in chaoots with the devil? Are we so insecure that we do not want to be corrected by Jesus? So when threatened, we place oursleves under the persecuted for Christ banner.
I remember when all the PTL stuff was going on with Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. Every day was the same ol' thing. "The forces of hell are seeking to shut down PTL and destroy the work God has started." Well, what do you know....It was God who wanted it shut down. Do you think He might have been embarrasssed by them using His name for their own gain? I think so. That is why we have to be careful as to what we say when we are questioned about things we teach or in the way we minister. When we, whether on purpose or not, exalt our own status above others, we are not moving with the heart of God. If we do not move with a servants heart, we miss the point. I see far to many who desire to be servants..................they just want to serve in the spotlight.
We should always speak from a place of humility. Say what God would have us say and then move as the Holy Spirit directs. We do not engage in word play and prophetic "one-ups-menship". If I am not drawing Glory to Jesus through what I say and do, then I should be quiet. IF I am at the center of the teaching and ministry, I should be quiet. One thing I learned from the renewal back in the '90's...most of what people speak as prophetic........isn't. Oh there were some who gave some incredible words and illuminations of God's Word. But you know what I noticed about those people? They were people who God was working and moving on their character and integrity. We do not get to discard all the mess of our character at the expense of playing in the "spiritual" kiddie pool. Sure God will let us play and splash around...laugh, dunk each other...hoot and holler....but at some point, the character I possess and must fall under God's hand as he seeks to grow me and stretch me.
Please pray for me during these days.
Things is a stirring in the body of Christ.
I've been waiting for 7 years, and I am now just beginning to see God move in a way he showed me on Oct. 3, 2003 at a cabin in North Georgia.
Now more than ever, we need the Love of God to cover all we say and all we do.
Be humble and able to receive correction.
Be humble so as to speak the truth in love.
Uncover the works of the enemy.
Let the body of Christ come forth and may we proclaim with one voice, "Your Kingdom come...Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven!"
Teaching by: A.W. Towzer
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies … 2 Pet. 2:1
Whatever it may be in our Christian experience that originates outside of Scriptures should, for that very reason, be suspect until it can be shown to be in accord with them.
If it should be found to be contrary to the Word of revealed truth no true Christian will accept it as being from God. However high the emotional content, no experience can be proved to be genuine unless we can find chapter and verse authority for it in Scriptures. “To the word and to the testimony” must always be the last and final proof.
Whatever is new or singular should also be viewed with caution until it can furnish scriptural proof of its validity. Throughout the twentieth century quite a number of unscriptural notions have gained acceptance among Christians by claiming that they were among truths that were to be revealed in the last days.
The truth is that the Bible does not teach that there will be new light and advanced spiritual experiences in the latter days; it teaches the exact opposite! Nothing in Daniel or the New Testament epistles can be tortured into advocating the idea that we of the end of the Christian era shall enjoy light that was not known at its beginning.
Beware of any man who claims to be wiser than the apostles or holier than the martyrs of the Early Church. The best way to deal with him is to rise and leave his presence!”
As a teacher....
As a pastor....
I am totally in touch with my inadequacy to do what I do.
I know that I have been called by God and as such, have been empowered and equipped to speak, minister and move under the guidance of His Holy Spirit.
But I'm also aware that I must be ready to give an account to those who may question what I do and why I do it. I do so under a Spirit of love.
I have been attacked.
I have been called names.
I have been accused.
When such times came to me, my first impression has been to be sick. Yes, that's right, sick. I get a nauseated feeling and feel like I could throw up. Why? Because the first thing I must do is go to God and be totally honest with Him. "Oh God....have I been in error? Have I taught a gospel other that the one You desire me to teach? I have to always examine myself in the light of God's word and the truth of God. I have to be ready to repent and confess if, in fact, I do find myself in error in my teaching.
If I emerge from this time of being under the microscope of the Holy Spirit, and nothing has been found to be in error, then I must bless the ones who have attacked me. Not from a holier than thou position or one that is right while they are wrong. I bless from a place of humility. I do not rail against what has happened or the things that were spoken about me. I do not have to defend myself, God will do that. I pray for those who have spoken about me. IF anything, such events such as these cause me to guard my own tongue which so easily is influenced by my flesh. To guard myself from launching out into tirades and hurtful, accusing words that only divide.
Does this mean that we should not speak out when discernment causes us to "see" something going on within the local body that does not fit with Scripture? No....First and foremost we have to ask ourselves,"Do I have the authority to do so? Or is God simply making me aware of something going on?" I see too many who are too quick to draw swords and begin whacking away. On the other hand, there are those who never loose the sword, they simply wear it around like a medal or award. There is a healthy balance that we need to seek in such matters and that balance is found at the feet of Jesus. What is He telling you to do?
We all should realize that if we claim to be a part of the body of Christ, then we answer to each other.
Let Love cover everything we do!
Speak the TRUTH in love!
God on you........
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