Friday, January 10, 2014
Hoo-Ha's For The Lord!
Psalm 126:2
Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. And they said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them."
Sometimes I get so sidetracked by life and all the hubbub that weaves in and out, that I loose my gratefulness. Not something I'm proud to admit, but true none the less.
I think it is important to always remember where God has brought us from. All the pain. All the destruction we brought upon ourselves, through the bad choices that only multiplied the pain and grief. That is why taking a daily inventory is so important. To simply see what God has done for us. If that don't crank your tractor, then you need a new battery.
To be grateful for the sheer thrill of having life. It may not be perfect and it may not look the way you though it would, but it is your life. Own it. Possess it. Be grateful for it. Look for God in every circumstance and situation that you face today. He is there, and He's not trying to hide from you. We just get wrapped around the axle and loose sight of what is truly important. So what is the most important thing in these inventory? Seeing and understanding exactly what an incredible love God has for you. That He burns with an everlasting love for you. He loved you so much that as you were being formed in your mother's womb, He stamped you with His own image. You have been created in the likeness of God. You are an image bearer of the Most High. Do you see what life does to us? Under the influence of the devil, coupled with our own sin nature, life seeks to distort and hide that image that God stamped us with. Instead of looking to Him for everything we need, we pull on our boots and become Mr. and Mrs. Self-sufficient-don't-need-anyone-leave-me-alone-thank-you-very-much. As a friend of mine asks all the time when coming in contact with those who live like this, "How's that working out?" Not to good.
Let your heart be filled with the Joy of the Lord. Rejoice over how far God has brought you.
Shout! Sing! And yes, even dance! Cut a a jig....spin around in circles with your eyes closed and your arms raised.....Give God a big ol' "THANK YOU!!!" Let your body express what is in your heart. Don't keep it locked away and be afraid to let go. I love going to the movies with my grand daughter. She has a laugh that is just infectious to everyone around when she gets started. If something happens on the screen that causes her to laugh, she can't stop. Pretty soon, everyone around us is laughing with her because she just doesn't hold back anything when she is tickled. Maybe that's our problem. We need to be tickled to death about God. We need to be tickled to the point that we have tears rolling down our cheeks. Laughter that comes form the heart is like opening a window on the first day of spring and letting the house air out after a long winter. We need to have our heart's aired out, so to speak. To really be in touch with what an incredible gift life is. Not just life, but life with God. Life that is found in this relationship we have been offered by Christ. You don't have to white knuckle it through this day. God is ready to take you on the most incredible journey a person could ever take. It only lasts 24 hours, but at the end, you get to do it all over again.
Make the most of this day.
God on you...
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