Monday, November 30, 2020
Amos 6:6 (The Message Bible)
Woe to those addicted to feeling good-----life without pain
This was part of the message that Amos spoke to the people of Israel and warn them of the evil that has crept into their lives. Silent, subtle evil that move hearts and minds from worshiping God and turn inward to worship "self".
The funny part (not ha-ha funny) is that a person who was living in this manner could still go through the ritual and practice of worship. They could attend each time the door was opened. They could bring their sacrifices and offer them. Give to the the needy, and yet at the same time be as lost as the ones they are trying to serve.
Now I will be the first to admit that I do not like pain. The bottom line is that pain is a part of life. I'm not going to go looking for it, but, at the same time, I'm not going to live my life in such a manner that all my efforts are not poured into "feeling good".
I love television commercials.
Did you ever notice the beer ads? It's usually a group of young people all hanging out, having fun, talking and laughing. (and oh yeah....everyone looks like they just stepped off the pages of a fashion magazine). No pain in this ad. Life is party hearty...
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not one who thinks you're suppose to measure your religion by the droop of your frown...Or that we are all to be a continuous bunch of suffering servants. But our comfort and pleasure should not the driving force in our hearts.
We pray "Your Kingdom come, You're kingdom-will be done, here on earth as it is being carried out in heaven." How can I focus on my own comfort when I have just prayed to make myself available for God's will to be done? Praying, "Lord! Here I am. Use me." As with any addiction, the intent and focus is "self". Meeting the needs, wants and desires of "Self" at the expense of everyone and everything else. Maybe there is a greater danger living this way than we realize. After all, didn't Jesus tell us in Luke 9:23 that if we truly want to follow after have a relationship with Him that we have to deny ourselves? That His call to follow outweighs my need for comfort? I think maybe He did. Not a very popular message, but one that is necessary for me to hear, and live.
Think on this...
God on you..
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Really good night at ReCovery Church!! But then again, I don't know if I am a good judge about such. To me, every week is a good night. A chance to gather with some folks, worship, and hear the ReCovery Word taught. More than simply listening to the Word, we are encouraged to apply what we hear. To make it a part of our daily walk through this old dark world.
The ongoing message is that Jesus is the HIGHER POWER we've been searching for. That He is more than a solution to our problems...........He is life! He affords us a new way of seeing way of interacting with others........and has given to us a new family to be connected with.
Last night we focused on what it meant to be living in spiritual darkness, separated from Christ. Taking Ephesians 2:1-10 as the heart of the teaching, we ran into some sobering truth.
"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins......."
In this case, "dead" meant that we were cut off from the true (and only) source of life, that being a real relationship with Christ. When you are physically dead, you are buried under the ground. Life goes on above you......there are people going about their everyday business, but the dead person is completely unaware of it. Well, when a person is trapped in sin/addiction, they are cut off from real life found only in Christ. They are unaware of anything except their own darkness and self-focus. They may think that they are living, but truth is they are slaves to self.
Each Saturday (as I have often wrote about in this blog) as I am leaving the building to head home after the meeting, I look back into the room and say, "Wow, God..what a night. How are you going to top this next week?" He has never failed to do so.
You can catch the service life-stream over on our Facebook page: ReCovery Church on Broad Street.
God on you...
Friday, November 27, 2020
But also for shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead. Who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised up because of our justification.
Torn by the truth that there are others who need to hear the gospel message
Bound up by the bottle....
Weighed down by pill and pipe....
No hope..
No tomorrow...
Only the high of the moment, which will fade and leave them crying for more.
God be with them....
God on you this day!
Thursday, November 26, 2020
On this day which is set aside to give thanks, I am truly grateful this morning. I give thanks, first off, that God has given me another year. Hard year? Yes, but here we are. We're still standing. We still have most of our marbles, and can still scoot-a-vate around without too much difficulty.
My entire family is a year older, and hopefully a year wiser through the trials and tribulations that have come our way. Tyler is finishing up his first semester at the University of Alabama. Ashley is navigating her way through the ninth grade. I see your hand upon each of them, Father. Like I said, today I am grateful.
My sons continue on in the field of their choice. I remember back when they were little boys, to a night at Central Methodist Church. Vicki and I knew that we were ill equipped to raise these boys. Not that we were bad parents, but just that we wanted them to be raised in the ways of the Lord. So we gathered them up, and took them down to the altar, sitting them upon the rail. We got down on our knees and said, "Father, we don't know how to do this, so we are giving these two boys to you. We will follow your will and directions, but we are asking for You to help us." I truly believe that here on November 26th of the year 2020, God has done just that.
My daughters-in-law! What can I say about them? Godly women, that's what. Beautiful women that the Holy Spirit shines out of. Women who love their husbands, and truly are help-mates to them in this journey God has for the two of them. Never having daughters, these two incredible women have become my daughters. Oh I do not seek to take the place of their real dad's. I could never do that, but they have become very special to me. They both have carved out a place where they can be a positive and godly influence on those they come in contact with.
Today at 12:30, we will gather around the table as a family. It is 5:06 a.m. at the time of this posting, and my wife is preparing to begin the finishing touches to our Thanksgiving meal. This is her act of worship unto God! The love that she pours into her meal prep.........the worship songs that come from her lips as she goes from task to truly is a "Love" meal. A meal that is given to us, her family, filled with her love for the Father, and thanksgiving for the family He has created.
So from all the Bynum's here in Attalla, Al., we wish you all a very glorious Happy Thanksgiving.
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name, for the Lord is good and His love endures forever. His faithfulness continues through all generations."
God on you....
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
They were hard and calloused....
Years of work and labor defined and created every crack and wrinkle in those hands.
They had held plows.....
They had held rifles and shotguns....
Not for sport, but to put food on a table.
They had mended broken bicycles so that sons could be mobile once again.
They repaired more cars than I care to count. And yes, they even kept this wayward child in check with a swat to the rear more times than I care to count.
Those hands were tender enough to care for dogs that got caught up in barbed wire and had limped back home bleeding and almost to the point of death.
Those hands made basketball goals for the backyard...
They clapped at Jim Reeves and Patsy Cline when they came on the radio.
They slapped knees when a good yarn was spun or joke told.
Those hands never really rested, not till the end.
Those hands rubbed my head or rested on my shoulder when I had done something big.
Those same hands spanked me and put me back on the straight and narrow when I got to big for my britches.
They wiped sweat from the brow when the summer heat flooded a new plowed field. Those hands staked tomatoes and shucked corn. picked blackberries and baled hay. To a young boy, there wasn't anything those hands couldn't do. Those hands have cranked many a turn making home made ice cream. Those hands always deserved the first bowl when it was ready to eat.
Those hands held me and carried me from the car when we would come home late at night after being on a trip. Strong hands....
Those hands were quick to help neighbors when something was needed to be done. The hands toted lumber and nailed nails to repair roofs and build back porches. I loved those hands.
Those were the hands of my father..........H.B. Bynum.
Blue collar to the core...
Worked hard all his life. That's just what a man did to support his family.
If my Dad had lived, I'm not sure he'd understand much of what is happening in this world today. He wasn't one to sit around and whine and cry about his lot in life or his lack of money. He worked. His advice to me..."Son, a man does what a man has to do to keep food on the table and a roof over his family." Those wouldn't be very popular words today...but that was my Dad.
Mom died in 1981 and Dad never seemed to recover from it. After they both retired, they reconnected as husband and wife. There seem to be more joy and peace as they shared time and life together. There were trips to the Smokey Mountains and visits with friends and family. I am grateful for the peace and love they found at the end.
Dad died on this day back in 1985, and not a day goes by that I don't think of him.
And on this day, I want to honor him by the life I lead.
Honor him for the love he showed me and the huge impact and influence he had on me.
I pray that in some small way, I have been half the man and father he was.
Thank you Lord for giving Father's to us....
Dad...I love you....and I miss you.....
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Evening and morning and at noon
I will pray and cry aloud,
And He shall hear my voice.
He shall never permit the righteous
The Lord God Almighty who stands above the din and roar of life....
More than just lift me up, He offers to me a life of abundance...
A Cornucopia or His goodness......
You have loved me with an everlasting love...
And I am keenly aware of such.
Everything I have....
Everything I am...
I am truly Yours...
As a friend of mine once told me....
We are coins in Your pocket, God.
So spend me as You desire.
In Your name I pray...
Monday, November 23, 2020
Chapter 16 of A.W. Tozer's book The Radical Cross.
Can I say "ouch"?
I think maybe yes...
I need the Bible to question me and my decisions.
I need the Bible to lay bare not just my heart, but the motives of that heart.
It is in this place that the real me comes out.
Not the "church-going, praising God" me.
But the "I'm a stinker in need of constantly being de-stinkified" me.
Making me look at not only what is in my heart, but what that heart is capable of doing. Such is a sobering thing. Such is what I found as I read Tozer's book. he kept sending me to the Scripture over and over, putting me in a place where new decisions and new commitments had to be made.
So what's the title of this infamous Chapter 16?
Are you ready?
Kill people.
I've written this before, but if you were standing at the gates of Jerusalem, and you saw a man walk through those gates carrying a could just about bet he was going to return. Death awaited him.
God on you....
Sunday, November 22, 2020
"But know this: There will be terrible (stressful) times in the last days..."
Has it really been 57 years since this day? I was 12 years old, coming from my 6th period P.E. class, headed toward Fred Rogers classroom and a date with Physical Science, when we were told about the President. I heard the words, but I don't think I truly understood what they meant.
"The President has been shot".....I was too young to have an informed opinion about President Kennedy. My parents had voted against him, so I can't say for sure how much their view influenced my view. I just knew that this young man who was President had been killed. It was only the year before that he had taken us through what became known as the Cuban Missile crisis. News casters told us that we were at the brink of Nuclear war with Russia. Pretty heady stuff for a twelve year old to navigate.
Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. These kind of events seem to happen with great frequency during the 60's.
Viet Nam: guys I went to school with joined up and shipped out. Some never made it back. They will perpetually forever be 18 years old. We always checked the paper each week to see if anyone from our neck of the woods had been killed.
There were more assassinations as Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. were brought down by angry men who thought they could stop the voices of these two men.
Nixon brought us "Peace with honor"......declared himself to not be a crook....and then resigned because of the Watergate fiasco.
Time marched on and I grew older. But, as Dylan said, "The Times They Are A Changing"
In the midst of all this madness, a little ol' movement began in California that came to be known as the "Jesus People" movement. Truth is, it was a revival of a generation that was lost and wandering searching for something they didn't even have words for. But men such as Chuck Smith, Keith Greene, Ken Gullickson, Gunner Payne..........and yes, my spiritual mentor, John Wimber, all were raised up by God to be a voice to this generation. And what a voice they were.
So here we are in you think maybe the times are stressful now? I would say yes. But there is a truth today that has stood the test of such times. That truth is the simple fact that Jesus is who He claims He is...and He will do what He has claimed He would do. that has not changed.
So what was the purpose of all this collective history review? To say that today, like yesterday, I will keep my eyes, my heart, my mind and my focus on Christ. I will listen for His voice, I will confirm it through His word, and I will do what I have heard him say do.
I will not fear the world around me.
I will not bow my knee or heart to worship anything or anyone except the only one worthy of such. Jesus.
Think on these things.
God on you....
Saturday, November 21, 2020
Ezra 10:11
Confess your sin to the LORD, the God of your ancestors, and do what he demands. Separate yourselves from the people of the land..............
At the very center of this new life we are experiencing with Jesus, is the idea of separation.
Separation from our past.
Separation from old friends (I use the term "friends" loosely).
Separation from old places and hang outs.
We found ourselves in all of the above usually because of our addiction.
Addiction did not compel us to seek out people of integrity and honesty.
We avoided such folk like the plague.
Addiction drove us into communities of people all suffering from the same pain and misery we were experiencing. Truly misery does love company.
Now with this new relationship we have received from Jesus and a life of sobriety, we are called to separate ourselves out of our past.
The two cannot nor will they ever be compatible.
For some of us, we felt abandoned at the thought of this separation.
But soon, we discovered that God truly did want to provide us with real life.
Psalm 18:20 reads: The LORD rewarded me for doing right. He compensated me because of my innocence. I've said it before and I'll say it again. When you begin to do business with God, you never trade always trade up. By that I mean when you surrender something to God....your life.............old ways..........old so called friends............what He gives you back in return is better than what you originally had. It really is like trading a YUGO for a LEXUS.
I rest in the knowledge and assurance that God is a God who has my best interest at heart. He is totally trustworthy. So when He calls me into separation from the ways and the things of this world, I can totally trust Him that He is leading me in the right direction.
Rest in this.....
God on you......
Friday, November 20, 2020
How much does God know?
Does He see it all?
The Future?
The Past?
I can only answer this by faith and say that I believe God does see all.
He was there before time began, so he must possess the capability of moving outside of time.
Even as I wrote that last sentence, my brain kind of froze in a twilight zone kind of moment.
"Capable of moving outside of time."
If you look at our country (the good ol' US of A) you see some trends and behaviors that are alarming. It reads almost verbatim with II Timothy 3 where it says, "In the last days there will be perilous times (stressful times). The chapter goes on to describe a list of character defects that will be brought to the surfaced and manifested in the lives of people who are not believers and followers of Jesus Christ.
If this is a prophetic word (which I believe it is) then it will come to pass. This will be the character du'jour for humanity.
I was lead to another passage that seems to describe the actions of our federal government.
I guess the main comfort I take from these verses is that God is not only in control, he is in charge. The verses are from ECCLESIASTES 10:18-19.
I am sharing from the Amplified Bible.
"Through indolence the rafters (of state affairs) decay and the roof sinks in, and through idleness of the hands, the house leaks. (Instead of repairing the breaches, the officials) make a feast for laughter, serve wine to cheer life, and (depend on tax money to answer for all of it.)"
If those verses don't read like our current state of political affairs in America then I've got purple spots on my face. The government has forgotten the supreme ruler of heaven and earth. They have forgotten the mandate that the government is of the people, by the people and for the people. We have a self-centered, self-serving, group who has set themselves up as little gods to oversee the affairs of those they deem incapable of governing themselves.
The most blasphemous part in all of this is the collective usurping and disregard for God and his authority. We have moved God out of every part of this country (almost), and I fear that we are reaping the seeds of destruction that have been planted years ago. Oh, the church can rise up and claim that God was kicked out of school with no more prayer. They can point to Roe vs. Wade and point to abortion. Maybe we should have been on our knees years ago crying out to God instead of holding pointless rallies and marches that do nothing but draw attention.
You want to change a nation, then change hearts. You don't legislate bring change in by changing the hearts of the people. You share the message that has resonated through the years............Jesus and Him Crucified. His death and resurrection brings freedom.
The Bible always speaks of a remnant.
It is time for the remnant to pray.
I guess what I am saying is that it is time for me to pray.
Pray more than I have in the past.
Pray with purpose and passion.
Pray for the leaders of this nation, recognizing that they are the authority that God has placed over us, or allowed to be placed over us. No matter which, I need to be about the business of asking God for "His Kingdom to come, His will to be done, here on earth as it is in heaven."
It is time for that remnant to get a voice. Not one person but a collective voice that cries out for repentance.
Not popular.....
But it is the heart of God.
God on you......
Thursday, November 19, 2020
John 17:44
........"Unwrap him and let him go!"
Jesus commands to the men who are standing around the tomb of Lazarus.
Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, was now alive.
Alive because Jesus had commanded life to return to Lazarus.
Alive, but bound up by the grave clothes.
What we read in John 17 is the mandate that we, as followers of Jesus, have been commanded to do.
To loose the prisoners....
To speak life to the spiritually dead.
To bring freedom to the captives of sin.
"Michael, you sure are caught up in this whole 'sin' thing."
Well, yeah I am.
It is the influence and nature that fuels the need for drugs and/or alcohol.
It drives greed.
It demands that its needs and desires come before anything else.
As we fall prey to its instructions, we become more and more a slave.
It becomes harder and harder to see truth and the reality of the state you are living in. Thinking become muddled and you fall prey to what I refer to as "Addicta-logic".
Here is step # 1 in the Twelve Missteps of Life Recovery
#1 - "I can quit tomorrow".
Tomorrow has no power or strength to initiate change into our lives. Today -- right now---is where the power is! Waiting even one more day is a decision to stay on a path that has proven to be destructive. (Recovery Bible -pg.412)
James 4:14 - "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? You life is the morning fog---it's here a little while then it is gone."
We live our lives like Lazarus...
WE may be breathing....but we are bound in the grave clothes of sin.
And it takes a power greater than ourselves who can say the words..."Unwrap him and let him go!" We do not possess the power, ability or will to break free from the sin/grave clothes that separate us from real life found in a relationship with Christ.
There are two many who never take off their grave clothes and live out their days in downward spiral of self inflicted grief and misery. Who never smell or taste the intoxicating life that is found in Christ.
I never really know who reads these posts that I write daily. But I trust that if you are reading it today, you will let Jesus speak to your heart...and that you here the love in His voice as He speaks the same command over you that He spoke to Lazarus..."Come forth...and live".
God on you today....
michael b.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God.
From time to time, I find myself whining and complaining about how "dark" spiritually our nation has become. The Government is corrupt. People are self-centered. Some churches only tickle the ears with smooth words and false promises. Where is God?
Yet every time I act this way, I am reminded of Noah.
Think about this.
He was the only righteous and blameless man on the face of the planet. Everyone else was corrupt. Imagine the pressure that came from neighbors and so-called friends. I don't think Mr. Noah got invited to too many parties and get together, do you?
I love the last part of this verse. He Walked With God!
Noah wasn't guided or lead by the call and dictates of this world. His mind, heart, spirit and soul were set on following God. He did not have access to a Bible. He didn't have Christian radio and television. He simply had a relationship. In our day and time, we feel like we have to have all the trappings..........the worship Cd's, the latest DVD from the latest conference. The hottest, greatest new word from the Christian author of the month. Funny...........Noah just had God.
Maybe simpler is better.
Noah simply did everything God told him to do.
He trusted that God knew best.
God gave him a plan to survive. Build an ark,leave everything else to God.
Noah carried out the plan.
Day after day. Year after year...building that ark.
Do you think there were day's that Noah wanted to quit? I do.
It would be hot. Sun beating down. Neighbor's walking by where the ark was being built. "Hey Noah! You want to go fishing? Oh yeah, that's've got to build a boat and we don't even live near any body of water large enough to float it........bwahhhhhh!"
Noah kept on.
We don't always understand the "whys" of God. We are called to "do".
Noah, during the most corrupt time the world has ever known, walked with God...was blameless among his generation. God used this man to save humanity.
Not a bad way to be remembered.
God on you....
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Long night..... Kind of numb this morning...... Got a call that no one ever wants to get. My brother, Wayne, called to let me know that ...