Sunday, November 29, 2020



Really good night at ReCovery Church!! But then again, I don't know if I am a good judge about such. To me, every week is a good night. A chance to gather with some folks, worship, and hear the ReCovery Word taught. More than simply listening to the Word, we are encouraged to apply what we hear. To make it a part of our daily walk through this old dark world.

The ongoing message is that Jesus is the HIGHER POWER we've been searching for. That He is more than a solution to our problems...........He is life! He affords us a new way of seeing way of interacting with others........and has given to us a new family to be connected with. 

Last night we focused on what it meant to be living in spiritual darkness, separated from Christ. Taking Ephesians 2:1-10 as the heart of the teaching, we ran into some sobering truth.

"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins......."

In this case, "dead" meant that we were cut off from the true (and only) source of life, that being a real relationship with Christ. When you are physically dead, you are buried under the ground. Life goes on above you......there are people going about their everyday business, but the dead person is completely unaware of it. Well, when a person is trapped in sin/addiction, they are cut off from real life found only in Christ. They are unaware of anything except their own darkness and self-focus. They may think that they are living, but truth is they are slaves to self.

Each Saturday (as I have often wrote about in this blog) as I am leaving the building to head home after the meeting, I look back into the room and say, "Wow, God..what a night. How are you going to top this next week?" He has never failed to do so.

You can catch the service life-stream over on our Facebook page:  ReCovery Church on Broad Street.

God on you...


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