I wanted to post this testimony of what God has done in the life of my brother and friend, Neil Thoney. I'll let him tell it in his own words.
I wanted to post this testimony of what God has done in the life of my brother and friend, Neil Thoney. I'll let him tell it in his own words.
Rivers....Always moving....always flowing. It can be a gentle ripple that lulls one to sleep, or it can unleashed power that comes with flooding. It can transport a person with a gentleness or it can sweep away entire towns from the face of the earth, leaving no evidence that such even existed.
There are many different streams and rivers that come and go in our lives. We may only touch them for a moment, but their impact is forever.
Luke 5:11 / When they had brought their boats to land.....they left everything and followed Him.
John 21:19 / And when He had spoken this, He said to him, "Follow Me."
As I sat there last night soaking in the teaching at ReCovery Church, Todd Bagley's teaching on the life Peter was boiled down to two words. Two words that were full of the unknown, but had a clear directive to them. You know the two words, and you know the individual who spoke them.
The two words...."Follow Me." The one who spoke them...."Jesus."
The divine calling out to the finite...The immortal calling out to the mortal. Two simple words..."Follow Me." Yet within these two words we find the mystery to life here, now...and the life after this one, the eternal. They both hinge on our answer to Jesus' call to "Follow Him".
Peter's life was bound on both sides, beginning and end, with this call to follow. It would define him as he stumbled through the events of his life. Sometimes he was a great man of faith. Sometimes just a man. But the call never wavered, and neither did Peter's resolve. When Peter failed, he fell upon the one who'd extended the call to follow. He confessed his weakness and moral failure, got up and headed out once more to lay hold of this call. Shouldn't I live my life like this?
To not let this world, the system, the societal influence detract me from the call that Christ has extended to me to "Follow Him." That same call has been extended to you, if you lay claim to being a believer. The call is to not give up and not let this world beat you into submission. The call isn't about conforming to the standards and belief's of this world, but rather being transformed (on the inside) by the renewing of our mind....our heart......our soul to shake off the dust of this life and "Follow Him" into the new one.
Needless to say that after Todd's teaching last night, I'll have "Peter" on my brain in the coming week. And that isn't a bad thing. Thanks for stopping by the Greene Street Letters. Come back anytime.
God on you.....
Matthew 6:33 / But Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you......
In the verse above there is some divine addition going on. It really is a cause and effect kind of thought that we read about. If I do this......then God will do this. Of course, with anything concerning God it is all contingent on the state of the heart and the motive behind the action.
So the first thing is to seek God's Kingdom. I did not know what the Kingdom was for a number of years. To me it was the church. Which meant I was to follow the norm when it came to being a member of an assembly. Attend every week (Or at least as much as I could)....read my Bible (never mind if I actually gleaned anything from it.....and give my money as a tithe (Don't give to much, or be a miserly penny pincher). There I had sought the Kingdom of God and found it in a building with a bunch of other like minded people.
It was until I heard John Wimber teach on the Kingdom that my world was rocked. What did Wimber teach me? That the Kingdom of God was the dynamic rule and reign of God here in our time and space. Where ever people were obeying God...chasing Him...and carrying out His commands, there He would be also. The Kingdom.
Seeking the Kingdom was not a part time affair. It wasn't something you did as an after thought. It was to be the number one thing and focus of our daily lives. I know that during my years at Rapha (treatment center) the guys thought that I was trying to implement a bit of religion into the recovery process. Truth be known, recovery and the Kingdom go hand in hand. If I pursue the rule and reign of God in my life first....and along with it, His righteousness (or His character and nature) I would have the life that addiction had robbed me of. As a friend of mine use to say on more than one occasion.."You can't work those 12 steps and not bump your head on the cross."
So when pursuing the Kingdom becomes the focus of my daily life, what happens? Well in the verse, God said that "These things will be added unto you." What things? If you back up a few verses from the Matthew 33 portion, you'll see that He was talking about our needs. Food, shelter, clothing etc....
You may think me crazy, but I do believe that this is still the way God operates. Notice is did not say our wants and desires, but our needs. Once again, I am just crazy enough to believe what God says. If God is who He claims to be, and will do what He has promised He would do, would it not make sense to go after Him? To shake off the darkness of a life that has become unmanageable and seek His order and stability. To recognize Him as being not just a Higher Power, but the Highest Power above all who claim to have power? I think maybe yes is the answer.
Think on this today and choose for yourself who or what you are going to chase after.
God on you...
Acts 2:2
Now let's look to this man, Pharaoh. King....divine leader tasked with lifting his nation above all the others, and to rule as he saw fit. One big problem. The people looked to this office as one that a god would occupy. In other words, ol' Pharaoh was not one of the boys so to speak. He didn't hang out with the blue collar guys. He was too busy doing the stuff that god's did back them. You know....dress up in get-up's that no one else would be caught dead wearing. Riding around in a tricked out chariot to view the masses and throw a trinket or two to satisfy those who were unruly. Typical "I am god" stuff. But all the while, in his heart and in his mind, Pharaoh probably thought himself to be elevated above the rest of humanity. As such, from this position his word was law, and no one better cross or doubt his word.
You know if you spent your day looking at statues that were erected to all the other gods of Egypt....you'd probably think that you were pretty special. After all, these other gods never showed their face or came around to challenge you and your office. You would conclude that you were the walking-around-real-deal-flesh-god who had the nation in the palm of his hand. Would anyone dare rise up to challenge you?
Well, enter one sheepherder from Median, formally from Egypt. A guy named Moses. Oh what a thorn in the side of Pharaoh was this low life named Moses. He comes in with demands to release all the slaves and let them go into the wilderness to worship their god. Why leave home to worship god, when you got one right there who is ruling over you?
You know how the story ends...God runs a series of plagues through Egypt. Every time this happens, Pharaoh's heart grows harder and colder to the idea of releasing the slaves. Until the final plague which kills all the first born of Egypt. Pharaoh relinquishes his demands and tells Moses and Aaron they had better get out of dodge. Which they do post-haste.
Do you think we might have some of the same shenanigans going on in our government? That there are some folks who view themselves as being better, more intelligent, of a higher caliber of class than the ones they've been elected to serve. Now before you go all whoosy-toed on me, I am not lumping all politicians in one big collective soup pot. But we do have those who think themselves knowing best what you and I need. Do they see themselves as being some sort of god? I'm not qualified to answer that question. But I do know this.
We no longer have a two party political system. We have two groups who serve a god they would never admit to. The god of "SELF". Driven by their own base nature, desires, and dark hearts, they have spurned the Lord Almighty as not being relevant in our day and age. Oh my......kind of sounds like Pharaoh doesn't it. They stand and twist words, calling good evil and evil good. They create lies and then execute them against each other. Yet they are so blind they cannot see the one who is behind all of this. The god of this age. Satan, Lucifer, the dragon, the serpent, the devil.
The devil's only intention in our nation and this world is to steal, kill and destroy. Yet the ones he stirs to carry out his agenda don't see this as something that would happen to them. After all , they are serving the greater good for a nation of people to ignorant to rule themselves. God have mercy on us!
So with all the craziness going on....remember who really is behind the madness. Remember the one who is pulling the strings of those who reject God by the very words that come from their mouth, and the actions that are evident that come from their heart.......all carried out in the name of "I know what is best for the people." God help us all....
I will close with this. No matter what you see, or read, or hear......things are not falling apart........they are falling into place, as God is carrying out His kingdom will here on this planet. I rest in this knowledge.
God on you...
Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...