Monday, January 4, 2021



The words floated through my mind like a very faint thought. But they became repetitive. Over and over I kept hearing the same words. It was last Saturday night during the meeting of ReCovery Church. I was listening to someone else teach, so it was a real pleasure to be able to take in what was being shared.

The message was built around the passage in Ephesians 6 concerning the armor of God, and (wait for it) football. The idea of being part of a team, and the necessary things that separates the great players from the others. Just as a football player has equipment that he puts on to participate in the game, so does a believer to go out into the world and face our opponent each day. The teaching pointed out the need to go out and face what 2021 might hold for all of us. This is when the phrase.....the words...formed in my mind.....

"MAKE IT COUNT!" Make what count? Time? My efforts....

"MAKE IT COUNT!" Over and over I kept hearing the words...Then it dawned on me (sometimes I am the slow one to catch on to what God is saying). 2021! Make it count. Don't take any day for granted. Don't be lax in what God has called us to. Then came the passage from Ephesians 5:  "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do  not be unwise but understand what the will of the Lord is."

There it was...right there on the page. I understood what "Make it count" meant. We have been called to take back the day...the time we've been given and redeem it for the Kingdom of God. To walk, talk, move, think and interact with love toward those we meet. Loving others is not to be an after thought, or something to be considered. It is the fuel of God's kingdom. 

Love God!  Love others as I love myself!" If I practice this...If I make it a part of my day, I will take back and redeem the time that the enemy wished to occupy. If I move in the love of God, I will be redeeming the time that Satan wants to rule in.

So, I guess if anything else needs to be said, it would be "MAKE IT COUNT" and lets see how 2021 unfolds.

God on you...

Michael B.

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