Thursday, January 7, 2021


 Riots in D.C. yesterday as the capital was breached by protesters. The count of the electoral college was suspended for a time until order could be restored. All the major networks turned the cameras and the attention of a nation to this even that was playing out.

At the same time, James Chatman crossed over from this life into the presence of His savior. Oh his death won't make national news, but it consumed my thoughts all through out the day.

James had his struggles and his battles. In fact, I first met James when he came to Rapha for treatment. Spent a lot of time sitting, listening, and sharing with him. Funny how when you get to know someone......when you see the gentleness of the soul and a smile that would light up a room, it's mighty hard to attach such to all the darkness they share about their life's journey.

Earlier this year, I received a message from James that he'd been watching our live stream from the ReCovery Church. He was tickled to death that he'd found me, and that we were able to reconnect. Not long after that, he messaged me that he and his son had come down with Covid and were in the hospital.  Asking for prayer, he sent me messages as long as he could, detailing every step that he was going through.

Yesterday, I received a message from Jame's cousin, Peggy, that he'd died. As always, the first thought that comes to my mind when I'm made aware of someones death is that "Now they know the truth of what I only believe." By this, I meant that eternity has now become reality. The presence of Christ is not just through His Holy Spirit, but James is seeing, hearing and experiencing what I believe will happen to all believers when it comes our time.

I spent the day with my memories of James...
Being the cook (at one time) at Rapha, I thought back to the time and effort he spent in prepping meals for everyone. I saw him, in my mind, dishing out meals and cutting up with the guys as they came through the chow line. I saw him as he attended our Bible studies, and services we held there at Rapha. James never missed a one.

So this morning, the pain of loss is there, but it is tempered with the hope and the assurance that family and friends have the option to see James again at some point. Those who have surrendered will and life over to the care of Christ will be reunited with James.

James.......I will see you. I will miss you until that time.

God on you...


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