Thursday, November 17, 2022


 Luke 8:25 - But He said to them, "Where is your faith?"

Luke 5:20 - When He saw their faith.......

Faith....strange word. A word that seems to be seen differently by people. Oh, I know the book answer about "evidence of things not seen"....."Substance of things hoped for." Still it seems to carry this ethereal, whispy kind of definition to it. Fact of the matter is that Faith is something that has been planted deep in the heart of every person. If you read Romans 12:4 then you'll see this at the very end of the verse. "As God has dealt to each one a measure of faith."

Faith is what is activated by the Holy Spirit when we come under conviction for our sin. Looking everywhere for an answer to our problem, we find that faith leads us to Christ as the only answer for our freedom from the darkness that is consuming us. One translation reads that faith is the handle, the title deed to our salvation. In other words, it is that unseen force within us that draws and binds us to Christ. Maybe that is why II Corinthians 5:7 tells us that we are to "Walk by faith, not by sight." To not focus on what we can see, but allow what we see to turn to Christ for direction and guidance, helping us to navigate life.

Faith in Christ keeps me grounded though the world around me is crumbling. Faith draws me to see beyond my current situation and circumstance, and see the truth of who God is and what He has promised He would do.

Faith doesn't always take me out of dark times. Sometimes faith gives me strength to walk through the painful times. To embrace my situation, not allowing doubt and fear to chisel away my faith.

Oh I'm no expert when it comes to this thing we call faith. I know it is real. I know that my faith in Christ has kept me moving forward all these years in spite of what the world may tell me. Faith is the spiritual glue that connects me to Christ no matter what my day holds. I know that He will be there to show me His way.

Today I am grateful for this thing we call faith... No need to say anything else.

God on you...

michael b

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