Tuesday, February 14, 2023



Yesterday's posting touched on the authority and power that is given to each believer to carry out the kingdom plans of God here on this earth. Not sure about this? Remember what it says in the LORD'S PRAYER --- "Your Kingdom come (God's rule and reign)...Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." God has called the church to be the vessel through which His Kingdom rule and Kingdom will is carried out here on earth. 

Now don't confuse this mandate to mean the church as we know it, or meant for a particular denomination. Never forget the church IS the people...not the building...not a denomination. It is the people God has called.

Here is the way I see it. As a believer, I am a conduit for God. Now a conduit is nothing more than a hollow pipe that, in some cases, carry wires that direct electricity. Did you catch that? I have no power of my own, but I am called by God to display His power. Does this mean that the power is flowing all the time? Good question. There are times when you may be called by God to pray for someone that, in your own thinking, may seem impossible. Who is stirring you to pray? Hopefully it is God's Holy Spirit. It may come in the form of an "urging" inside, a thought that comes to your mind, or even a "knowing" that has formed as you listened for God. So the big question is....."Am I going to step out and be obedient and pray.....or am I going to let this pass. Remember....we have no power of our own, but we do have the Holy Spirit living in us. It is His power and His directive that we need to listen for and then obey.

Can't tell you the number of times I have moved into that "not knowing for sure" place only to see God do some pretty incredible things. I remember early on being approached by a young lady I worked with, who came to me with a request. She'd just given birth to a baby girl, and had found out that the baby had kidney problems. They were not operating in the way a normal kidney's should. 

This young girl came to me and said, "I had a dream last night, and in the dream I asked you and your wife to come and pray for my daughter. Would you do this?" How could I refuse this request, but as soon as she'd asked me I was overcome with doubt and the old "Who am I" mentality. This was followed by a couple of thousand questions of my own beginning with "What if nothing happens? What is this baby isn't healed?"

My wife and I did go to pray for this baby. As we did so, I was not aware of anything out of the norm By that I mean that we simply spent time listening for what God wanted us to pray. We finished, hugged the mother and left. 

Within a few days the mom came to me and said that she'd taken her daughter for a check up on the condition of her kidney's. The doctor's were amazed that they were normal. No sign of the problem that she'd been diagnosed with originally. God had moved! God had brought healing to this little baby. If you don't think that didn't set us on fire you're wrong. 

Never.....never....never discount what God can do through you. All you have to do is be willing to take a risk and step out to pray. You may be asking..."Do everyone you pray for get healed?"  I will touch on this in the next posting.

God On YOU!

michael b.

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