Monday, February 13, 2023



Just revisiting what I believe when it comes to living out daily a relationship with God.  This "living out' includes our being connected with like minded people who carry the same belief's that we have come to embrace. It isn't so much that these "like minded" folks have embraced our core values as it is we all have embraced the call of God on our lives.

Now this call takes many different examples such as what we read in Ephesians 4:11 where Paul writes that to the church God gave some to be Apostles, some to be prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers. These are part of the government or hierarchy that God placed for the teaching of His word. So what about the average Joe and Josephine that sits in the pews listening and following the teaching? Do they have a place in all this, or have they been relegated to the 2nd team so to speak. Sadly today many carry this view of what could I possibly do? I'm no teacher...certainly not a prophet. This is the place I was in when I first came to the Vineyard back in 1994. 

All the "doing God stuff' was for those who were a lot smarter than I was. It was for those who were more spiritually mature than I was. Or at least that is the way I viewed it. How wrong could I have been.

I soon discovered that those who have truly been saved and or walking in obedience to God carry with them something that is seldom talked about. The Presence of the Holy Spirit living in them. John 14:26 tells us, "But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

Did you catch that? If you are a believer then you have the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead living in you. John tells us that the Spirit will teach us. In order to be taught, I have to be listening, and them applying what I hear to my life. Sometimes it is scary to think this way because we are flooded with a wave of thoughts that tell us...."What if you mess up?" "What if you get this wrong?"  

Now let's take this one step further. We are saved and filled with God's Holy Spirit. So would it not stand to reason (if you will) that this Spirit is there for more than simply keeping us focused on our own life, giving not thought to others? I think maybe there is more to this than we may have considered.

All throughout the New Testament we read where Jesus taught the multitudes. After He finished with His teaching He would validate the truth of what He'd taught through a display of God's power. There would be healings, deliverance. and many other acts which was proof of God's word. Jesus surrounded Himself with disciples and taught them how to walk in the authority and power He had given to them. Guess what? That same authority and power have been given to us to be exercised to a world lost and blind.

I want to stop here and continue this thought hopefully tomorrow.

Thank you so much for stopping by to read these postings.

Until next time........God on you...


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