From The Book Of Job:
"The Lord gave me everything I had and the Lord has taken it away!"
"Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad? So in all of this, Job said nothing wrong."
I don't understand everything that happens to people in this world.
I do know that the free will God has granted to us is misused and from our bad choices, bad consequences happen which affect others.
It is hard for us to make choices that affect only our own lives and no one else. It's not only hard, it is near impossible. Every choice has layers to it that affects people around us.
If a person decides to get drunk and then drive, because of his bad choice, he is putting everyone he comes in contact with in jeopardy.
Job, in his prayer actually says...hey God! I know that you are a perfect God and I know that this is a fallen world filled with imperfect men and women. No matter what happens, I will seek you. IF good should come my way, I will rejoice and worship you. IF bad should be my lot for the day, I will still worship you. This is where a lot of people fall off of God's bandwagon, so to speak. They are all pro-God as long as life is handing them the good stuff, but you let things start to go South and we are all up in God's business blaming him.
I am not saying that we should be all Pollyanna when bad things happen, but we do need to keep everything in perspective and in the middle of our pain and suffering, keep asking, "What are you trying to show me through this Lord?"
It seems as though this past week has been a week of sickness and death.
Death has touched us through two that we know.
Death has touched us through two that we know.
One who died accidentally and another who lost a son.
Our prayers have been with these two and we continue to ask God to show mercy and compassion during this dark time.
Life will go on.
What are we going to do? Are we going to let ourselves become bitter and angry or do we allow our brokenness to draw us nearer to God. To bring all our questions and lay them at the feet of Jesus. It's not about getting answers to the "Whys" we ask, but about us falling deeper to trusting Jesus. That no matter what comes my way, I do not quit or give up but continue to follow Jesus.
The situations we face, good and bad, will draw out emotions/ feelings, but we have to look beyond what we are experiencing to what is the real truth. This is where I find strength and grace to carry on when in the past, I would have crumbled and given up. Real truth is found in Jesus. Found in Him today! No matter what you are currently going through, lean hard into Jesus and do not let go of Him. He will see you through.
Psalm 23:4 reads: Even when I walk thought the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid for you are close beside me." Jesus is the friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Today, you are not alone, no matter what pain you are facing.
Today, you are not alone, no matter what pain you are facing.
Today, you are not forgotten no matter how far away you feel from God.
Today, you have not been abandoned. He is there to comfort and lead you.
May you find His peace today for whatever situation you are struggling with.
Know that we pray for everyone who stops by GREEN STREET LETTERS.
We don't have to know your name or where you are from, but our prayers are for God to touch you and restore you through the few moments you spend here.
That you may run into the real, deal God and understand that He alone is the truth you have been searching for all your life.
God on you.......
Thank you for praying.
I take seriously the things that God has shown to me because I know what it is like to be hopeless and look around and feel like you're the only one who doesn't get it. That somehow you are on the outside looking in on all this "God" stuff. I do pray every day for everyone who comes to GREENE STREET. I may not know you personally, that's o.k. You came for a reason and I want my prayers to be that God would meet you in the middle of your hurts and situations. That you would find Him for yourself. You are not in this alone!!!
God on you........
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