Monday, January 12, 2015

Rise Up To Truly Live

Habakkuk 3:19
The Lord God is my strength. He will make my feet like deer's feet, and He will make me walk on high hills.

It happens at the place of realization...
The place of knowing where you are made aware that something has truly happened inside of you.

In a lucid moment, you understand that you are now accomplishing things you never have been able to before.
God is doing for you what you could never do for yourself.

Just as we read about the ark rising on the flood waters in Genesis 7, God has raised you above the roar and din of this life, to have communion with Him.
I wish not to paint a flowery, religious picture of such a moment, nor do I wish to discount it.
I just know that such a thing as I have written about is common when we turn will and life over to His care. 

I do not wish to paint a picture where every encounter, problem or situation is like Disney Land, where nothing is ever wrong and the temperature is always right. God will take us through our problems and situations. If you read Matthew 7:24-27, you'll come across a story of two houses being built. One is built on a foundation of on sand. The story goes on to say that the storms came against both houses...the winds blew....the flood waters came...but only the house on the rock foundation survived. We will go through the storms of life that seek to know us off our foundation. If we have built incorrectly through our own strength and will, our work will be swept away. Jesus is that rock foundation needed to survive life. It really is as simple as that.

Did you noticed in the verse from Habakkuk that God is my strength?
That strength and power needed to navigate life on this side of heaven comes from an individual. The verse says that God "IS" my strength. Not God "was", or God "will be." The strength that we find in Him is a now-strength that is given for right now.

Strength for what?
To face whatever this day holds. To face it and not run away into a mood-altering stupor. To not turn away from our problems, but seek God for directions and answers. But whatever questions you may have about such, always remember that God is not hiding so as not to be found. He is ever present and waiting for us to call out to Him.
Jeremiah 33:3 - "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
God is the ultimate "Sponsor". 
Not to say that we don't need others in our life to help us....
God should be the first and final word when it comes to us being taught and instructed.

You raise me up so I can walk on mountains....
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas....
I am strong when I am on Your shoulders....
Your raise me up to more than I can be....

Let this truth burn in you today...
When you reach those points where you can't...
Remember this truth...
He can.

God on you....

Don't forget...
Tonight at 6:30 p.m. /  Amy Brown and "Thriving" recovery meeting

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