Tuesday, February 16, 2021



Faith is a strange word, isn't it? Ten people can look at the word and all ten will probably have a different view of what it really is, and how it is played out in their own lives.

Going back to the Message Bible, I read Hebrews 11:1 this morning. This version of Scripture has one of the best definitions of "faith" I have ever read. "The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors; set them above the crowd."

I love this! Faith is THE (not "a) fundamental fact (not opinion) of existence is that our trust (reliance) in God is a foundation (something that is not movable or cannot be shaken by outside influence) .....this foundation covers everything in our life, and as such, it makes life worth living.

Those who are desiring to be free of the dark bondage of addiction must stand at the crossroad of choice and choose who they will follow. Faith calls out for them to follow God. Why? Because He is worthy of our trust. He is worthy to go forth into the unknown of our future. Faith falls upon a person, Jesus....not because of what He can do, but because of the simple fact of who He is.

I do not make light of the struggle that takes place between a past lived in addiction, and a future that requires the exercise of faith. Sometimes the voices of the past seem to overwhelm and destroy any hope of change at all. But don't be fooled...when the dark voice that whispers to you...."You're never going to change, you will always be like this...you are hopeless," don't give into it. Rise up...decide in your heart and in your mind that this Jesus is the only solution to this death known as addiction. Cry out to Him.....don't be silent....cry out...even if all you can get out is "Help me Lord!" do it. Because the simple fact is that you have just exercised your faith. You turned yourself to the One who can save you, will save you. Who will guide you into a new way of living.

God on you...


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