Wednesday, February 24, 2021


MALACHI 1:2......."But you ask, 'How have you loved us?'"

Last book of the Old Testament...
Society had devolved to the point that the things of God (sacrifices and other rituals) had become pointless. The people continued to carry them out, but their hearts were far removed from loving God.
In the opening verse God tells them..."I have loved you!"...
The people's reply? When and how have you loved us.
The problem isn't God..
It's the people. They have become so far removed from God, they cannot even recognize His love for them.
I believe that there are a lot of folk's going to meetings, thinking that their presence filling up a seat is all that is required of them.
They go through the motions, but their hearts loved another rather than God. Basically giving a head nod to God's existence, but choosing to follow their own desires and wants. Not a good combination.
I guess the one thing I find so sad, is that these people did not recognize not only that God loved them, but the extent He had gone to demonstrate His love to them. They were so consumed with their own lives that there wasn't any room for God in any part. They had forgotten where they had come from, and who it was that had led them to where they were when Malachi was written. As the big book of A.A. states...(Paraphrase)."we do not wish to close the door on our past, nor do we wish to live there."
Don't let this be the rule in your own heart.
Take a heart check up today and ask yourself..."Do I truly love God? Do I see His love in every area of my own life? Am I merely playing the religious game?"
If there are areas where you have pushed God to the side, then confess them, turn from them and ask Him to show you how to truly love. Food for thought here on this Wednesday morning.
God on you...

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