Saturday, July 2, 2022



[Psalm 5:3] In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice. In the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly.

Morning....early morning. The world has yet to awaken to this day that lies in front of us. When I say "the world" of course I mean the portion I live in. This day stretches out ahead filled with possibilities. But such always comes with a disclaimer. I can began today's journey simply following Jesus (Luke 9:23) or I can slide over into the driver's seat and take control of my own journey.  I can even convince myself that I can do so without running in the ditch or getting into a situation that doesn't require help from God on any level. How silly I am sometimes. 

To me, there is a great comfort found in the words of Psalm 5:3. The first one being that God is a listening God. Just as I am called to hear and know His voice (John 10:3-4), God knows the voice of those who are His. Those who have given themselves to His offer of salvation and have learned the "sound" of His voice. Sometimes I think I let the chaos and noise of this world over ride the voice of God. Or at least muddy the flood of sounds and voices to the point that it's hard for me to discern. Maybe that is why God says over and over, "Be still and know that I am God." 

That word "Know" is tied to the idea of "experiencing" God, rather than a collection of factoids and information. Knowing God....being still in His presence is reveals an intimate part of the relationship we have been invited into. Sometimes I think being busy is the best way to know God. He is speaking and I am running around doing stuff thinking that this reveals my love for Him. In fact, it is my opinion that He truly does desire us to BE STILL and just bask and rest in His love and presence.

As the years have piled up, morning has become my most favorite part of the day. Along with morning, I would add that the time just before I drift off to sleep would be a close second. Morning brings a freshness to the day that is in front of me. Just before I fall asleep, I get a chance to review the day and offer thanks to God for allowing me to navigate through the things I faced that day. 

May you find God this morning!


Today will be our breakfast give-away at ReCovery Church. We will be serving until 9:30 a.m. or until the food runs out.

Next Saturday, July 9th, will be our next Night time meeting. 7 p.m. at the church, located downtown Gadsden on Broad street---between 4th and 5th streets. We will be having our second meeting in a series we call "ONE VERSE BIBLE STUDY". Come and join us.

God on you...

michael b.

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