Sunday, October 9, 2022


 Psalm 119:105 -  Your word is a lamp to my feet and a lamp to my path.

I love this verse from Psalm 119, as well as the picture above. To me the picture represents the truth about life. The person in the picture is walking surrounded by darkness.  Periodically light shines on their way as they pass by each lamp post. It gives just enough light to get them to the next post where there will be more light.

Isn't life like that when you are trying to follow God? He sheds or illuminates your path just enough to keep you moving forward. But then there are those times when you find yourself between lamp posts (so to speak). A place where there is light behind you as well as in front of you, yet you are in a measure of darkness.

As we travel, or move through this life, God illuminates our past (what is behind us) just enough to remind us of our history in following Him. Those moments where we might not have understood exactly what was going on, but we knew and were aware of that something greater than ourselves was at work. Such events that happened in our past should bring us comfort today.

So as we move forward from our past, we find ourselves in a kind of in-between place where we haven't reached the next lamp post of God's instruction. We can see and feel the darkness that is all around us. Yet there before us is the next point of illumination that God has planned for us. Do we cut and run? Afraid of what may be next? Or do we push forward knowing that with the light that we will walk into, there will be a clearer understanding of our situations and circumstances. Being bathed in the light affords us an opportunity to repent of any sin that we may have picked up during our time in the darkness. Being bathed in the light will remind us of how much God loves us, and His desire to see us grow and mature in Him.   

In the picture above, there are only four lamp posts. Beyond the 4th light, stretches more darkness with no light in sight. That represents our future. We can't see what is headed our way.....but we must trust that by the time we move beyond that fourth lamp post, There will be others that God has placed along our way. Trust Him........Obey Him......Listen for Him......Love Him.

God on you....

michael b.

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