Saturday, October 22, 2022



Habakkuk 3 - Lord, I have heard of Your fame. I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord. Repeat them in our day. In our time make them known. In wrath remember mercy.

So many voices out there all clamoring for attention. News outlets all declare the truth, even though their stories are opposite of each other.  Then there are those who stand in places of teaching in our colleges and schools who proclaim their "truth" and do so with great certainty. Even the pulpit has its fair share of those who say they know the truth about God, only to speak from their flesh rather than under the guidance of the God's Holy Spirit. Who's a person to believe?  This is why I love the verses from Habakkuk. 

The nation of Judah has turned their back on God. More than this, they rejected Him totally, yet carried on a form of worship and religion. This went on for some time and yet through it all God kept sending them warnings to turn from their evil ways. God will only tarry with a people for so long before He pronounces judgement on them. This is where Habakkuk comes in. Chapter 3 is his prayer for the people he knows are going to suffer under this wrath God is going to pour out. 

Habakkuk is a man of few words, but when He prays, there is power that can only come from God's Holy Spirit. He begins his prayer with a very revealing statement."Lord, I have heard of Your fame."  Basically,  I have heard of all the good things You have done over the years. How you brought the people out from under the bondage of Egypt and led them to a land that you promised they would occupy. 

Next Habakkuk says that he is overwhelmed by the deeds that God has done. When was the last time you were overwhelmed by God? When was the last time you encountered His greatness that caused you to have no words to describe Him?

Habakkuk then asks the Lord to repeat these deeds once again. To remind the people of the fame that was spread throughout the nations about this God who had chosen a people for Himself. Habakkuk makes a request of God that I believe we should get on our knees and repeat...."In out time make them known." Make known once again the fame that follows God. Let it be fresh in our minds and hearts, exactly what God has done. Then once again let your deeds come to our nation, our towns and the heart of every man, woman, and child. For we know that you are a God who does not change. We know that Jesus Christ is the same--yesterday, today, and forever.

I started this mornings writing by talking about all the voices that are out there trying to influence us. As for me, I have only one voice in my heart, my mind and my Spirit. And that one voice has only one message for me that I have tried to follow for a number of years. Words written by the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth.

"For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." This truth is the basis for everything I believe. The death and resurrection of Christ is the foundation event that opened a door for a sinner like me to be forgiven and restored to a right relationship with God. Don't fall prey to the voices that seek to grow fear and doubt in you. Let the mercies of God triumph over any and everything this world has to offer.

God on you this day....

michael b.

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