Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Why Write this blog day after day?
Is it ego?
Pride in a talent?
Do I think that my opinion and view on life means more than someone else's?
I don't think so.
SO why do I write and post on this blog every week?
To keep my own sanity in a world that doesn't seem to offer much help.
To share, hopefully, an honest transparent look at my life and how I think
the greatest thing one can do as a follower of Jesus is to simply be teachable.

If I can do anything, it would be that through the posting here on this blog,
someone might simply open up their view of God and see that we all
have belief's that are not wholly true.
That we all could stand a little more insight
and understanding of who this God is...
And what He has promised He would do for those who follow Him.

Now I'm not talking about the basic tenants of the Christian faith.
Jesus Christ, 2nd part of the God-head....
Came to planet earth and took on the form and flesh of humanity.
Fully God/ Fully man, he lived here among us for 33 years.
His death and subsequent resurrection opened the door to relationship with God the Father
that had been closed since the garden incident.

Jesus did for me what I could not do for myself that is, he restored me to a right
relationship with God.
Because of this, God placed His Holy Spirit (John 16:13) in me as a kind of
divine compass and direction giver.
I am now a part of something that is larger than my finite brain can comprehend...
What is it you may ask?
The body of Christ.
A family of other people who also have been saved.

I possess no incredible wisdom to pass on to you other than this.
If you have given your life and heart to God and are saved....
then don't give up, even though you might want to.
Don't quit even though you don't know what to do next.
Don't give in even though every one around you is prospering and your are floundering.
Lay hold of God with your faith and your entire being....
Focus your heart and mind on Him.
Scream out to Him..."Teach me to love You!"
Be as honest and transparent as you possibly can.
Don't get caught up in playing the religion game.

It's o.k. to admit you don't have all the answers.
All you truly know is that once you were lost but now you are found...
was blind, but now you see.

If you don't have relationship with Jesus, haven't been saved....
Consider what has been written here today.
It was written for you to see and read.
God had a purpose for you stopping by here and perusing these posts.
The salvation might not come now as you read this.
It may come later, but you'll think to yourself about what you read here at

Greene Street Letters.
Thus is the mystery of God.
No matter how hard we plan, his plans are greater.

Gotta love Him!
I know I do.

Even though you and I have never met, know this.
I love you.
I pray for you daily.
How? You may ask.
Because it was no accident you found this blog.
God directed you here.
I pray that you find one thing that will bring you comfort and cause you to renew
your hope in Christ.
That will awaken you to the truth that it is a race and we cannot stop or give up.

Like I wrote at the beginning of this post.
I'm not a theologian.
I am a simple man who has a simple view of God and His word.
If He said it, I take it for face value.
In other words....
I'm just crazy enough to believe it!

God on you....

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