Thursday, April 29, 2021
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
I've known Mark for a number of years and have watched as the Holy Spirit changed this man. If ever there was a man who had a good dose of common sense along with a deep portion of the Holy Spirit, it would be Mark. I appreciate his honesty, and I know that Mark does not share unless it burns on him. Grateful for this man and what he means to Vicki and I.)
Top of the morning to All of Ya'll.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Did you ever stop to consider that in the light of this day and time, the world looks at Jesus as if He is the ultimate oddity? That He falls into the same category as the Easter bunny, tooth fairy, and the Brothers Grimm. Of course those of us who have been touched by the fire of forgiveness and salvation see this statement in an entirely different light.
Ran into some folks today who know of God, but by their actions and their choices you might conclude that they really don't know God. Sometimes we have a tendency to parrot what others have told us about God without ever coming to a experiential knowledge of God. In other words, we can give the book answers without every truly experiencing the life-changing power of being saved. As I stood and shared with them, they could quote some verses from Scripture but had never met the One who was central to the verses they shared. The message I shared seem to fall on deaf ears and hard hearts. My prayer is that God would speak to their hearts and they would come to a real knowledge of what it means to be saved.
I would love to start a club called "Goober's For God". The only qualification would be to know with the heart and not just the head that we are completely helpless to escape this world without Christ. Coming to this understanding will turn you to look to Christ for all the answers that have escaped you as you tried to live life on your terms. As some say in recovery "How's that working out? Not so good?"
Oh, we may have the ability to live a good life, but shouldn't we want more than to simply be good? Wouldn't you like to be Christlike? Not just act like Christ in your daily life, but to have access to the power that raised Him from the dead. The power of the Holy Spirit. Power...real power....power that could change you from the inside.
That our daily cry would be..."I CAN'T---BUT HE CAN!!" To not just say it, but live it. To shed ourselves of the things of this world that we think can get us through the day. What may be the greatest challenge would be to turn loose of the things we used to escape this world. Things we took into our bodies that would alter our mind and view of life. Things that created a false sense of reality, all the while the true reality was that we were committing suicide, only at a slower pace than someone who would check out in a single act of desperation.
Here is how I view myself and my life: I Corinthians 1:26-27 / Remember dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wide in the world's eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And He chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.
I don't mind being called foolish or backwards....ignorant or out of touch when it comes to my relationship with God. I'll go the whole "sticks and stones" thing. Part of my heart is prayer that God would raise up an entire army of "foolish" people....Kingdom people. That He would equip and up those who society and culture have deemed non-essential and have no worth to contribute. These are the very ones that God wants to redeem and set in order to reveal His value to humanity through their lives now changed by the Holy Spirit.
An army who will go and reach out in love with a message of hope to those who are still living on the edge of society...the outcasts.....the rejected.....those who are hurting and almost to the point of giving up. I Corinthians 1:18 / The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.
John Wimber, Head of the Vineyard movement, made a statement that has never left my brain....."I'm a fool for Jesus.......whose fool are you?" So I guess that is the question we all need to ask ourselves today. "Whose fool are we?"
God on you...
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Choose...Make a choice.....decide. Such isn't always an action, but actions usually do follow when we do choose. We follow our choices. Our choices aren't always good ones, and the results clearly define and reveal that we made a bad one.
I've been pondering a lot lately (usually the behavior of an old coot) and not that this is earth shattering (it isn't) but this whole relationship thing of following God is the end result of a choice.
On the other hand, the actions of someone who chooses to reject God and live life on their own terms is also a choice. You might say, "Hey! I don't even believe in this God you talk about!" You can say it loud..........your can scream can lash out at me or others who write, teach and share about a God we've given our lives to, but none of that might matter.
The simplest way I can come up with is this. We all make a choice as to what we believe and are willing to stake our lives on. So bottom line, either upon your death or my death..........or the return of Christ (which you probably don't believe in) we will find out the truth about our choice. We will each come to the realization that one of us was wrong. Contrary to the cultural mindset (especially when it comes to God) there aren't many paths which lead to Him. He isn't a pick and choose God simply because you believe one way and not another. But that is a post for a whole other time.
You may think that I believe that I have all the answers when it comes to God. Well, I don't. I have some truth that I know through my own personal journey. I know that Vicki and I have seen some pretty incredible things that could only be contributed to the hand of God. As the years have piled up in our life, Vicki and I get up every morning, and we choose to not only believe God, but to follow Him daily, asking for His guidance and not relying on our own.
So you see, this morning the one thing I know that our entire life here on this side of heaven (oh yeah, you don't believe in heaven or judgment....sorry) is based on choosing. So I guess let us all live our life and the choices we have made, and see how this whole cosmic play turns out. Should I be wrong, so be it. If this God I have chosen to follow and give my will and life to is wrong, or doesn't be it. But let it be known that I have had a great life. A life filled with hard times, bad times......good times filled with laughter and family. But what if, at the end of your life, you discover that your choices were wrong and this God I write about is real and acts accordingly to His word? Well, I'm sorry that you chose the way you did, because you see.......once you die, it is too late to change your mind then.
I pray that we all find God today....
I pray that we all open our minds and the choices we make, and come to the truth ....the only truth......His truth.
God on you...
JUDGES 24:15
"And if if seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. Whether the gods which your fathers serve that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. BUT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD."
Friday, April 23, 2021

Written by evangelist Leonard Ravenhill in 1971, this book is as relevant today as when it was first published. Burning with a passion to see the church of Jesus Christ walk in the purity and power they are called to, Ravenhill issues a call to revival. A call to awaken from the stupor that has invaded most churches today. Churches who substitute programs and fluff for the teaching and preaching of the Word of God. Here is an excerpt from the introduction to SODOM HAD NO BIBLE.
"I offer it as my considered judgment that the main reason why we do not have heaven-born, Spirit-operated revival in our day is that WE ARE CONTENT TO LIVE WITHOUT IT. Lesser blessings make us happy. Another bus for Sunday School is all that some ask. A bigger attendance this year at Easter and Christmas elevates the joy of many promotion-geared churches. Other boast in a bigger offering for mission. But I warn you again that the devil and hell fear none of these paltry flesh-born goals. Revival alone shakes the devil's kingdom, breaks his power, robs him of eternal possessions, and releases his captives. Out of revival alone springs a vanguard of men who will eagerly hazard their lives for His dear sake. Revival alone inspires men to carry over sized lads without a murmur as did their Lord. Men who will blaze new trails where souls by the million now sit in darkness and the shadow of death."
I find myself convicted and yet strangely encouraged to break free of the status quo that is the church. To speak a little clearer the danger and consequences of rejecting salvation for the comfort of this world. We have become Esau and have traded the eternal birthright for the temporary bowl of stew that only feeds our fleshly appetite. Let revival come! Let it begin in my heart. Where ever the devil has done work or tried to plant a seed, come Lord Jesus and rip it out and let the Kingdom of God take root inside of me. Awaken me from my slumber to the sound of your voice calling, "Go out to the deeper water and let down your nets." Go out to the place where you have refused to go. Go and know God.
I never know who reads this blog. I urge! I appeal to you.......if you do not know this Jesus of whom I write. Stop reading and cry out to Him. "Come Lord Jesus and show me what to do. How do I get saved?"
Confess your sin...your independence from God. That desire you carry around to run and rule your own life. Where has this gotten you? Are you happy today? Are you satisfied and full of peace? No! Confess that you have tried to master your own life independent from God.
Receive God's forgiveness. IT isn't about what you feel. It is about what you believe by faith.
Scripture reads: "if we are faithful to confess our sins, He (God) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins."
Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit: This is like the ultimate compass that will begin to guide you and give you direction.
Get into His word (Bible) and find a good Bible teaching church. Go and connect with those who are there.
Talk to God: Religious folks call it "praying". It is you being honest and open with God. More than talking, learn to listen for God.
If you have done these things---find someone and tell them what has happened. "Hey man! You aren't going to believe this.....I got saved."
Now go out and live.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
As I have accumulated some mileage over all the years I've been here on this earth, I would love to say that I have become filled with wisdom and understanding. The truth is probably not as much as I think I have. Oh I've learned some valuable lessons...."Don't put that fork in that electrical outlet"......."Look both ways before you cross the street".....and my personal favorite..."Make sure your wearing clean underwear if you leave home for any reason."
The one thing that has served me well especially in my personal journey of recovery is to always be teachable. Always be willing to learn, and what's more, apply what you have been taught. When it comes to God, the Scriptures are life to me...they are the voice of God on paper. That being the case, how could I ever neglect reading and studying the Bible.
I am not a scholar. Never have been, never will be. But those wonderful words that are found in the Bible are life to me. Simple instructions on how to live life according to God's direction. Of course there are those wonderful parts I read that take my breath away when I sit back to unwrap what I have read. Things that are so wonderful and beyond my comprehension. I may not understand them today, but at some point when I stand before Jesus they will all be clear to me.
I meet people all the time who are baffled by the desire to read the Word. "How can you get up day after day and read that book?" My reply is usually, "How can you not do it?"
This is why I love Psalm 25:4. TO me it is the cry and declaration of a heart that understands, or at least arrived at the truth that life is not meant to be lived outside the will and love of God. Three simple desires are the basis for this chapter.
#1 - Show me Your ways, O Lord- What do you expect of me? Show me how to live here in this fallen world. I believe such is why we have the Gospels, as they are a clear picture of how Jesus lived in this world. We are called to do the same. I think I remember reading something about loving God and our neighbors as we love ourselves. Sounds like a good place to start.
#2 - Teach me Your paths - Not my paths....not the direction I would choose, but let my heart, my mind and my feet follow You in my daily life. Now the important thing is that God is all about teaching us, but are we all about learning and applying what we've been taught? Or do we file away like it away as just another bit of information.
#3 - Lead me in Your truth and teach me - In order to be lead, you've got to be willing to follow. Sounds like what Jesus said in Luke 9:23. "If anyone desires to follow me, let them deny themselves (give no heed to their own desires and motivations), take up THEIR cross daily. I have to put "ME" down and take up an instrument used for death and carry it with me everywhere I go. The cross is a reminder of the price Christ had to pay for me, as well as a reminder that "ME" needs to be replaced with a heart and love for Jesus.
The verse goes on to say that being lead by God takes us into HIS truth. Not the worlds so called truth. Not society's truth which shifts and changes with each day. The truth of God does not change. Why? Because God does not change.
Thank you for stopping by and reading today's posting.
God on you...
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
A wise man once told me..."God isn't speaking half as much as people are saying He is....and people aren't really listening half as much as they should be."
Does God speak?
Yes, He does.
Usually on this topic, the next thing someone would say to me is, "Well, I don't hear Him."
I believe that they do. They just don't recognize what they hear as being from God.
During our life, there will be ebbs and flows to our encounters with God (whether you are saved or not). God will be trying to speak to you and get your attention. If you are trapped in addiction, the message you'll get the most is "Turn from what you are doing." It may come in the form of thoughts that come to your mind. It may be what you perceive as your conscience speaking to you. It may be words from others who are concerned about you. All are used by God to talk to you.
God's Holy Spirit is all up into bringing conviction to us. Showing us the wrong that we have done. Showing us the state of our hearts and how far we are from God. Sounds like it would be party time for this to happen to us, doesn't it? Well, it isn't. It is a time of sorrow. What usually happens when someone in addiction encounters sorrow? They use. They want to stop what they believe are all the accusing voices reminding them of what they have done and who they are. They use to escape those voices and feelings. But conviction from God is different. Conviction points out the wrong, but then offers a way out from under all the pain and toxic emotions that are driving the individual to use more. God speaks to the heart.
Why is it we feel that God speaks so obscurely or vague? Well, in His mercy, He allows us room and time to respond. He lets us know that He is talking to us...but that we need to process what we are hearing. Sometimes we don't need much room or time. If God is drawing us into salvation, our heart will over ride what our mind is telling us and we will respond.
We need to always remember that it is God's heart to communicate with us. We read in Jeremiah 33:3 - "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know." These are God's words. Jeremiah was probably in the darkest place a person could be. He had been taken away from his home and was living in a foreign land. A place with strange customs and belief's, under the rule of a dictator. Jeremiah was a slave. Funny isn't it? Addiction is a taskmaster that will take you away from home and family and put you under it's thumb as a slave. Yet, you will never be removed from God's sight or His ability to talk with you. I don't think the words of Jeremiah 33:3 have changed or that God does business differently now. To hear God, you simply cry out to Him.
What do you have to loose?
and the list goes on and on and on...
God on you....
Monday, April 19, 2021
Those who came to Jesus by faith and then suggested that He sit down while they take over.
I guess you could say it is the Anti-12 Steps.
1. We admitted we were powerless over nothing. We could manage our lives perfectly and we could manage those of anyone else that would allow it.
From The ACA Communicator -
March 1990 - Omaha, Council Bluffs Area Intergroup
Sunday, April 18, 2021
I Thessalonians 4:16-18
Jesus is coming back.....
This description given in II Thessalonians isn't his 2nd coming...
His 2nd coming will be when he returns to judge the world and he actually touches down here on planet earth.
Talk about your UFO's..
Jesus will be the ultimate UFO. I wonder how people's theology will change when he does come back.
I wonder if there will be a lot of repenting by folks who doubted the Scriptures.....who ridiculed those who did believe.
Jesus is coming back.
For me, these are words that encourage me and yet fill me with dread.
Dread for those who are walking around oblivious to the word of God.
What's worse, those walking around who have heard the truth and rejected it.
I will never understand the power of the human will (Even though I have one and it does get out of hand from time to time) or the perception of the human mind to truth.
II Corinthians 4:4 reads: Satan, the god of this evil world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe, so that they are unable to see the glorious light of the Good news that is shining upon them. They don't understand the message we preach about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.
That is why I write the Greene Street Letters.
So that someone out matter what country.....might be lead here by God and be awakened to the His truth. I pray over each posting that God would use if for his glory. I pray that the words that are placed here in this blog would be like spiritual healing and break off the blindness and hardness that Satan puts on unbelievers. I pray that they would be able to not only see but understand with their hearts that they do not have to live in bondage to sin anymore.
I know that my specific call from God is to serve those who the world labels as "Addicts".
I know that God has given me great grace to love and minister to people who are bound up and held as slaves to the needle, the rock, the bottle, the pill, the line and every other instrument of torture devised by the devil.
I also know that the truth of God breaks down these weapons and the power of God's Holy Spirit can set free not just the mind, the heart and the body........but the spirit. Free to find their real meaning and purpose in Jesus.
So why a posting today that combines prophetic words of Jesus' return and power of the devil to delude people? Because time is running out.
I don't know whether it's my time...
Or this world's time, but the clock is ticking.
You can poo-poo this thought and you can call me out of touch, but I tell you this morning that even though Jesus is long-suffering, at some point in the future, His Father is going to turn to him and tell him to go and gather his people. This, my friend, you can bet on. It is going to happen. Are you ready to meet him..either in the gathering?
in his 2nd coming?
Revelation 22:12
See, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to repay all according to their deeds.
Revelation 22;17
The Spirit and the bride say, "Come. Let each one who hears them say,"Come"...let the thirsty ones come----anyone who wants to. Let them come and drink the water of life without charge."
Revelation 22:20
He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, "Yes, I am coming soon!"
God on you......
Friday, April 16, 2021
Nehemiah 2:11
And I went out by night by the gate of the valley, even before the dragon well, and to the dung port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and the gates thereof were consumed with fire.
God had placed on Nehemiah this burning desire to see the walls of Jerusalem rebuilt. They had been broken down and the gates destroyed during the captivity as the people were lead away. Sin and rejection of God had brought all of this upon them, but now God was beginning the process of restoration and rebuilding. Before anything could take place, Nehemiah needed to walk the perimeter of the wall and take inventory of the damage.
Step # 4 in the Twelve Steps is much like what we read in Nehemiah.
Our walls of protection have been broke down by the years of abuse.
The gates have been burned by the bad choices we have made which seem to have accumulated over time.
Because of this state of our lives, the enemy has free reign and can come and go in our hearts and minds as much as he likes. There is nothing to stop him.
All a part of the army that keeps coming and going as we are helpless against the onslaught.
But, Step # 4 is the point at which we began to take back what has been destroyed and stolen.
Step # 1 is the step of admission. We are powerless and our lives are the evidence of it. Our lives have become unmanageable.
Step # 2 is the step of definition. We recognize and come to believe that there is a POWER greater than ourselves who can restore us to sanity, or the ability to make sound decisions. That POWER being Jesus Christ.
Step #3 is the step of surrender. Instead of living by our own desires and thoughts and ability, we make a decision to turn our will and our life over to the care of God. The God we know and understand today, realizing that our perception of God will change as we grow in this new found relationship.
Those first three steps are us TRUSTING GOD.
The next eight steps is where we CLEAN HOUSE.
The first of the eight is step #4, is where we make a fearless (don't back down or turn away) and searching (we look deep within) moral inventory.
How can we rebuild the walls of our life if we don't know where the breaches are?
It may be a broken wall because of jealousy or anger.
There may be an open place in our wall caused by unforgiveness.
No matter how wonderful we try to make our recovery out to be, it will never stand against our enemy until the walls of our character have been rebuilt.
Only God can aid us in this endeavor.
Only God's Holy Spirit can shine the light of illumination into our hearts and truly show us these broken down walls. More than anything, it is God himself who will work and will in us to bring about the changes of character needed. This, if the truth be known, is all part of the Salvation process.
I was saved yesterday.....
I am being saved today.....
I will be saved tomorrow....
If you haven't done a fourth and fifth step, I would encourage you to.
The weather is suppose to be beautiful today....
It would be a good day to begin to rebuild your walls....
God on you.....
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Tonight was the first meeting of the Vineyard Recovery ministry headed up by Mike Bynum. Tonight was a night that brought back hundreds of memories. All day my heart was racing with excitement expecting God to do something. I went to sleep thinking about it and woke up thinking about it.
It was 6:30 PM and just touching dark out when I pulled up to the Gadsden Vineyard with my worn NKJV Bible in tow. As I stepped onto the pavement of Broad Street the smell of cigarettes filled the air. As I looked around I saw them, maybe 15 of them. They were guys in Rapha standing outside the church doors laughing and having that last cig before the sermon! A feeling I used to know all too well. I didn’t know any of them but I knew them, if that makes any sense at all. I knew the feeling of totally not knowing what’s next. Where am I going to pick up from? Am I going to pick up where I left off or change everything? Am I going to be an addict forever? All of these questions a daily reality in the life of the lifeless.
When I came in I made small talk and felt very drawn to all of them. I found myself wanting to hug each one and reassure them that everything will be alright. It’s tough you know. Being in that place. Total brokenness and abandonment, with shame and guilt so heavily on you it feels like a physical weight. But it’s also a sweet place. Everything in the Kingdom is backwards. Brokenness is bad on earth but in the Kingdom brokenness equals greatness. Society looks on people that have had issues with certain things like they’re nothing. Sadly the most judgmental perspectives come from inside the church. When in Kingdom reality being as broken as a guy who just lost his kids, his wife, and his last sack of dope is probably the only hope some of us have. In the Americanized church we have made ourselves blind to our own brokenness and need for God. I believe Mike said it tonight, “constant desperation”. If you’re dying of thirst you look until you find something. So it is with your spirit.
The guys are awesome. As I looked at them I didn’t see drug addicts. I saw warriors, princes, and friends of God. I saw sonship not slavery. I saw a generation that is rising up to take back what the enemy has stolen. In the entry sanctuary of the Gadsden Vineyard I saw an atmosphere of Heaven. I saw a safe place where mistakes aren’t forbidden and blowing it doesn’t mean blowing up. Mikes statement of what this meeting was, was very simple. It is Gods. That’s it in a nutshell. And what about the theology behind it? Well, that’s easy; the cross and Christ crucified and beyond that there’s nothing. Worship was pure and free reminiscent of Vineyard worship from the late 90’s. There was a time for ministry, which is always my favorite, and God showed up.
Several people came receiving prayer and encouragement. I felt like God spoke to me with this phrase, “tattoos, two kids, and reconciliation”. As usual with words, you have that instant moment of doubt and embarrassment. Finally I broke down and gave it. Of course no one responded. I thought to myself, “well at least this wasn’t as bad as the time you went out doing power evangelism and the guy told you to go away”, as I visualized a plan crashing and burning. After dismissal a short stalky guy that was tatted from neck to toe (well I didn’t look at his toes so not sure about that one) came up to me and said, “I think that word was for me.” “Oh, which part?” I asked. “Well, the whole thing I mean I have tattoos and I have two kids and…” “And” I said “I’m assuming you’re in a place of needing reconciliation.” So we prayed for him and he got blessed. I couldn’t help it though, as I watched him walk out, I wanted to keep in touch with him and be there somehow letting him know every tough morning that it was going to get better soon and that this wasn’t forever. I met this guy five minutes ago and I love this guy. God was glorified tonight and He showed up.
Why did He show up though? Because there were all the ingredients; brokenness, expectancy, faith, and doubt. Tonight I was as excited as I was on Christmas morning when I was seven and my dad got me a Black Cobra BB gun. I was exhilarated. This is what I was born for; to be used by God and to be in His presence. I was born to pastor people into His presence. Every one of the guys that were there tonight have the capacity in them to go further, faster, better, and harder than Mike, John Wimber, or any other super anointed dude. The question is, will they believe it? Will they grasp it? God, I hope so. I’ve so missed nights like tonight and I look forward to many more. If you get a chance and you’ve made it through this ridiculously long rambling I would encourage you to come to the Gadsden Vineyard, Saturday nights at 7:00 PM. It’s not about church loyalty. No one is asking you to join anything or fill out a member card and wear a name tag. What else are you going to do on a Saturday night? It’s a place where there is healing for the hurting and a place of rest from the pain of the world. Blessing and love in the Holy Spirit – Sam.
(Sam was also the one who came up with this picture. Wisdom? I don't know. I do know that from time to time, it is full of crumbs.)

Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Matthew 26:34
Hard words.
Yet sometimes genuine love can be found in those hard words.
Someone speaks truth to you and it strikes a part of you that knows what has been spoken is truth. Sometimes we want to not believe what has been spoken. We want to talk a little louder or posture a certain way in order to convince others that what was spoken wasn't true. But we know different. We know it was and it uncovers a defect in character that sin has produced in us. Only the truth of God and the work of the Holy Spirit can bring change that is needed.
Peter went on to deny Christ, but aren't you glad the story didn't end there?
Aren't you glad that Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, stood in Acts Chapter 2 and gave the first message on the day of Pentecost? I am.
We are all a work in progress and would do well to learn and accept this fact.
As much as I hate having my heart uncovered, it really lets me know that God in fact loves me so much He isn't willing to let me get away with anything.
embrace the truth.
Let God's truth change you.
God on you.......
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Today is the 8th anniversary of the ReCovery Church. The picture above has a special meaning for me. This was taken at Steve Brewster's meeting, the Gathering @ Cornerstone church. Steve had invited us to come and lead worship. At this time, we were having our meetings at Rapha Treatment Center. We have been out there holding meetings on Saturday night since 2006. But things were about to change.
This particular weekend this picture was taken turned out to be a turning point in the direction God was taking us. We were moving through our worship set, and had come to a song (THE LORD IS GRACIOUS) when something unusual happened. As we were leading, the crowd was clapping and keeping time, not to mention singing as loud as I've ever heard. The song finished, but the crowd kept clapping and keeping time. They would not stop. Looking at Wayne and Barry (my worship cohorts) we started the song back up. I thought to myself, "What was that all about?"
The next night (Saturday) the message I gave at Rapha was used by God to stir the men's hearts. At the end, we had a flood of guys come down to turn their will and lives over to God. I went away thinking "Wow! That was a great message." And God was quick to remind me that I was only a conduit for the message to flow through. It was His message, and it was His Holy Spirit that had stirred those who came down to be saved. Point taken......sorry Lord.
The next night (Sunday) I was over at North Glencoe for their Celebrate Recovery.In this meeting, the thing that stood out was the ministry time where people come for prayer. Once again there was a flood of people coming to the front as we prayed for person after person. Some came to be saved...some came to receive prayer for healing.....some came to stand in for friends or family and receive prayer for them. Driving home, a thought floated through my brain (it's real easy for things to "float" through my brain.........ain't much in there to stop them.) This was the first time I had ever done 3 meetings on three consecutive nights. What did this mean? I wasn't sure.
The next morning during my quiet time, I was still trying to process what had happened. Then it came to me.... Friday night had been all about the worship. Saturday night had been all about the Word, and Sunday night had been all about the ministry of prayer. The three formed the purpose of what every meeting should be about. When this came to me, I found myself with a longing that I never expected to feel.
I'd left Gadsden Vineyard back in 2005 to be the staff pastor at Rapha. I had seen a lot during my time there. Men healed and set free....lives restored.....deliverance and freedom from demonic oppression...This was God's rehab and He was definitely in the healing business. But his longing I felt was, as best I can phrase it, to return home. I wrote in my journal, "I have a desire to come back return to the Vineyard." From there, God begin to put in place everything so I could.
I wasn't sure how things would go, and to be honest there was some doubt as to whether this was really God. Turned out it was. Now here is the strange part to me....during the preparation time for our first meeting back at the Vineyard, God spoke specifically and told me that our meeting would never be large in numbers, that we were to minister to whoever showed up. You know what? That word has been true ever since He spoke it. It has always been, and always will be about the one who needs a touch, a word, a healing, or salvation from God.
So I'll close with this. This past Saturday we hosted our first "breakfast give-away" to feed anyone who was in need of a hot meal. We didn't sit down and plan it to coincide with this 8th anniversary. It just turned out that way. Or did it? If you study scripture, the number 8 is the number for new beginnings. God creation process lasted 6 days, and on the 7th He rested. Day 8 would be the beginning of the new week. Do you think maybe this breakfast give-away was God's way of saying that The ReCovery Church was entering a new beginning and a new work? I think maybe the answer is yes. So lets move forward and see where this new work...this new beginning takes us.
God on you...
Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...
I've been reading BORN AFTER MIDNIGHT by A.W. Tozer, who just happens to be one of my most favorite preachers of all time. The basi...
Hebrews 13:5-6 Let your conduct be without covetousness. Be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will n...
Isaiah 53:2-3 My servant grew up in the LORD's presence like a tender green shoot, like a root in dry ground. There was nothing be...