Thursday, April 22, 2021



As I have accumulated some mileage over all the years I've been here on this earth, I would love to say that I have become filled with wisdom and understanding. The truth is probably not as much as I think I have. Oh I've learned some valuable lessons...."Don't put that fork in that electrical outlet"......."Look both ways before you cross the street".....and my personal favorite..."Make sure your wearing clean underwear if you leave home for any reason."

The one thing that has served me well especially in my personal journey of recovery is to always be teachable. Always be willing to learn, and what's more, apply what you have been taught. When it comes to God, the Scriptures are life to me...they are the voice of God on paper. That being the case, how could I ever neglect reading and studying the Bible.

I am not a scholar. Never have been, never will be. But those wonderful words that are found in the Bible are life to me. Simple instructions on how to live life according to God's direction. Of course there are those wonderful parts I read that take my breath away when I sit back to unwrap what I have read. Things that are so wonderful and beyond my comprehension. I may not understand them today, but at some point when I stand before Jesus they will all be clear to me.

I meet people all the time who are baffled by the desire to read the Word. "How can you get up day after day and read that book?" My reply is usually, "How can you not do it?" 

This is why I love Psalm 25:4. TO me it is the cry and declaration of a heart that understands, or at least arrived at the truth that life is not meant to be lived outside the will and love of God. Three simple desires are the basis for this chapter.

#1 - Show me Your ways, O Lord- What do you expect of me? Show me how to live here in this fallen world. I believe such is why we have the Gospels, as they are a clear picture of how Jesus lived in this world. We are called to do the same. I think I remember reading something about loving God and our neighbors as we love ourselves. Sounds like a good place to start.

#2 - Teach me Your paths - Not my paths....not the direction I would choose, but let my heart, my mind and my feet follow You in my daily life. Now the important thing is that God is all about teaching us, but are we all about learning and applying what we've been taught? Or do we file away like it away as just another bit of information.

#3 - Lead me in Your truth and teach me - In order to be lead, you've got to be willing to follow. Sounds like what Jesus said in Luke 9:23. "If anyone desires to follow me, let them deny themselves (give no heed to their own desires and motivations), take up THEIR cross daily. I have to put "ME" down and take up an instrument used for death and carry it with me everywhere I go. The cross is a reminder of the price Christ had to pay for me, as well as a reminder that "ME" needs to be replaced with a heart and love for Jesus.

The verse goes on to say that being lead by God takes us into HIS truth. Not the worlds so called truth. Not society's truth which shifts and changes with each day. The truth of God does not change. Why? Because God does not change.

Thank you for stopping by and reading today's posting.

God on you...


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