Monday, May 31, 2021
Philippians 2:8And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
Looking upon Jesus, you would think Him one of the lowly few who's lot in life always seem to run contrary to what society deemed is successful.
Scripture says that there was nothing physically attractive about Him that would cause you to think of Him as a great leader or a statesman.
The form that Jesus took when He entered out time and space is a reflection of the heart of God. In fact, if you were to search for Jesus at a concert or an event, you'd probably find Him up in the balcony. He would not be on the front row trying to garner the praise and adoration of the public. He had no need to promote or exalt Himself.
In II Samuel 16, we read where God has sent Samuel the priest to the house of Jesse. There Samuel is to anoint the new king of Israel. Jesse has many sons and they parade through one by one so Samuel can see them. At one point, Eliab comes in and Samuel remarks, "Surely the Lord's anointed is before Him?" I mean this guy, Eliab, he had "king" written all over him. Tall, good looking, great hair, unblemished complexion, cut and ripped in his physique. In verse 7, God replies to Samuel's remark. But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees. For man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
This flies in the face of what our society today thinks is most important about a person. God looks to the heart. The character and nature of a man. Is he teachable? Is he humble so that he can receive from God? Is he selfish or will he totally give of himself for the service of others?
Jesus came to model for us the dynamics of a man after Father's God's heart. To reveal to us that we are servants and as such, spend ourselves on the Kingdom of God and on others.
Do what God tells us to do. (then that would involve "listening")
Go where God tells us to go (that would involve obedient)
Be the person God created us to be (that would involve surrender of our will)
But the benefits of living a life like this is beyond comparison to anything this world has to offer.
Humbling ourselves is a choice we have to make. IT puts us in a place where we can receive from God.
To be humble means that we are teachable.
It means that I am agreeing with God simply who God says I am.
It enables me to be in a crowd and by this attitude, be in a crowd. That means that I don't have to stick out or be center of attention. If God desires to lift me up or exalt me, that is His business. I am not in the business of self-promotion.
Read all of Philippians 2 today. See what God would reveal to your heart.
Until tomorrow....
God on you...
Thursday, May 27, 2021
John 3:16-17 (Message Bible)
But John intervened: "I'm baptizing you here in the river. The main character in this drama, to whom I'm a mere stagehand, will ignite the Kingdom life, a fire, the Holy Spirit within you, changing you from the inside out. He's going to clean house---make a clean sweep of your lives. He'll place every thing true in its proper place before God. Everything false he'll put out with the trash to be burned."
Lot of pain out there last week. I received more calls from people who were hurting than I have in years.
"I can't seem to quit."
"My girl friend has left me because of my using."
"I need help right now, I can't wait any longer."
And on and on and on....
One after another looking for relief from all the destruction that had brought on themselves through their using.
To say it was overwhelming is the understatement, because at my core, I'm a fixer.
Only in these cases, I couldn't fix anyone.
I can point in the direction someone needs to go.
I can walk with them through the process.
I can be there for them.
But in the end, it all boils down to how ready are you to quit?
If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then there is ground there on which to build.
Don't confuse recovery with wanting all the problems to go away.
Some will say that they are ready to recover, to get some place where they can begin to work on themselves. But when push comes to shove, you find out that they really didn't want to quit using or drinking.......they only wanted a time out from the pressure. Now, even in this case, sometimes just being in a recovery setting gives them a clearer view of what they have done to themselves. But not always.
Bottom line in all of this....
I don't know of anyone or any thing who can do more for someone struggling in addiction, than Jesus.
Oh, there are programs that are good at helping people cope with addiction.
There are programs who can get people clean and able to function in society.
But there isn't a program who can produce real life that will take an individual beyond death.
That comes only through a person...
That person is Jesus.
Truth be known...
We catch a lot of flak from both sides of the fence when we introduce Jesus into the equation.
From the recovery side, we accused of being a bunch of "holy rollers" and "religious nuts". We have been told to not bring our Jesus into A.A. that God can be whatever you want Him to be. Well, we all know where that is coming from.
First off, there is more mention of God, as creator and giver of life in A.A. material than some want to admit. The other thing is that A.A. was never intended to be a religion. A.A. was founded by two drunks who had encounters with God and it changed their lives. Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith were brought together after Bill's encounter with Jesus in a hospital. Bill lost all desire to drink again after being a hopeless drunk for years. In fact, everyone had given up on Bill and had resigned themselves to the reality that he would die a drunk. God had other plans, and through an encounter with Dr. Bob Smith, the two began a journey to put these Twelve Steps together.
On the other side of the fence is the church (not all of it, but a good portion). They speak out of ignorance about A.A. and the Twelve Steps. They paint a broad picture of what is wrong with all this Twelve Step stuff. God bless 'em. They have trouble ( I think) with the whole "God as you understood Him". In their minds, what they hear is that you can make up a god that fits your life. What really is being said, is that we come to the God we understand today. That you don't have to be a theologian, or a Bible fact you don't even have to be saved to come to this God. You come as you are, to a God that has always been. A good friend of mine has a saying (don't you love friends who have saying's? I do)...."You can't work those Twelve Steps and not hit your head on the cross." Get it? Jesus is the answer to the addiction problem. The Twelve Steps are the disciplines to walk this new life out.
People have a tendency to confuse the issue of addiction.
It really isn't the alcohol or the drugs that we are waging war against.
It is the human heart.
The human heart that is under the influence of a sin nature that leads it into all manner of wrong.
Until that heart is dealt with and set right by the infusion of God's Holy Spirit....there will always be the propensity to do the wrong thing.
SO the real problem of someone in addiction is that they have a broken relationship.
Let's be about the business of the Kingdom introducing those still in the darkness to our Jesus.
He is the best high you could ever have.
God on you..
On the other side of the fence is the church (not all of it, but a good portion). They speak out of ignorance about A.A. and the Twelve Steps. They paint a broad picture of what is wrong with all this Twelve Step stuff. God bless 'em. They have trouble ( I think) with the whole "God as you understood Him". In their minds, what they hear is that you can make up a god that fits your life. What really is being said, is that we come to the God we understand today. That you don't have to be a theologian, or a Bible fact you don't even have to be saved to come to this God. You come as you are, to a God that has always been. A good friend of mine has a saying (don't you love friends who have saying's? I do)...."You can't work those Twelve Steps and not hit your head on the cross." Get it? Jesus is the answer to the addiction problem. The Twelve Steps are the disciplines to walk this new life out.
People have a tendency to confuse the issue of addiction.
It really isn't the alcohol or the drugs that we are waging war against.
It is the human heart.
The human heart that is under the influence of a sin nature that leads it into all manner of wrong.
Until that heart is dealt with and set right by the infusion of God's Holy Spirit....there will always be the propensity to do the wrong thing.
SO the real problem of someone in addiction is that they have a broken relationship.
Let's be about the business of the Kingdom introducing those still in the darkness to our Jesus.
He is the best high you could ever have.
God on you..
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
She was the quintessential Mom.
Stayed at home and took care of us until a doctor told her that getting a job would be the best thing for her health. Mom had Arthritis and many was the morning that she had trouble getting around. The doctor suggested to her about going to work thinking that the movement of a job would help with the stiffness that came with ol' Arthur, the name my Mom used to refer to her disease.
She became a waitress.
She was good at what she did.
She worked at the Riverboat Restaurant when it was owned by Senator Jim Martin.
She met a lot of famous people while there.
My favorite story was one concerning Country Music Star Roy Clark.
Mr. Clark and a group of his friends had come down from Nashville to attend one of the races at Talladega.
They had come to the Riverboat for dinner one evening and my Mom was their waitress.
Stayed at home and took care of us until a doctor told her that getting a job would be the best thing for her health. Mom had Arthritis and many was the morning that she had trouble getting around. The doctor suggested to her about going to work thinking that the movement of a job would help with the stiffness that came with ol' Arthur, the name my Mom used to refer to her disease.
She became a waitress.
She was good at what she did.
She worked at the Riverboat Restaurant when it was owned by Senator Jim Martin.
She met a lot of famous people while there.
My favorite story was one concerning Country Music Star Roy Clark.
Mr. Clark and a group of his friends had come down from Nashville to attend one of the races at Talladega.
They had come to the Riverboat for dinner one evening and my Mom was their waitress.
As always, she went above and beyond to give them the best service she could. Eventually the dinner ended and everyone got up to leave. When Mom went to clear the table, there wasn't any tip at all. She was very frustrated because she felt like she earned a tip by the service she had provided. But that was the way it went sometimes.
The evening progressed and her shift was almost over when Roy Clark came back through the door and walked over to where Mom was sitting. He explained that he thought someone had left a tip, but found out that, by mistake, no one had. He apologized for the slight and proceeded to hand my Mother $100.00. "I hope this makes up for our error. You really are a good waitress," Mr. Clark said. My Mom was beside herself and she told that story on numerous occasions or when ever Roy Clark was on television.
Today, May 26th, my Mom died.
I was there by her bedside when she shed the coil of this life to cross over and find out the truth of what she had believed since childhood. The belief that God was who He claimed to be and was able to do what He promised He would do.
How simple and easy death comes.
I remember sitting by her bed, listening to her struggle with each breath. Inhale.......a long pause.........exhale. Doctor's had told us that it was only a matter of time. I tried to picture what death would look like. Would there be one final battle as my Mom drew breath?
It wasn't anything like I pictured.
The evening progressed and her shift was almost over when Roy Clark came back through the door and walked over to where Mom was sitting. He explained that he thought someone had left a tip, but found out that, by mistake, no one had. He apologized for the slight and proceeded to hand my Mother $100.00. "I hope this makes up for our error. You really are a good waitress," Mr. Clark said. My Mom was beside herself and she told that story on numerous occasions or when ever Roy Clark was on television.
Today, May 26th, my Mom died.
I was there by her bedside when she shed the coil of this life to cross over and find out the truth of what she had believed since childhood. The belief that God was who He claimed to be and was able to do what He promised He would do.
How simple and easy death comes.
I remember sitting by her bed, listening to her struggle with each breath. Inhale.......a long pause.........exhale. Doctor's had told us that it was only a matter of time. I tried to picture what death would look like. Would there be one final battle as my Mom drew breath?
It wasn't anything like I pictured.
I was sitting there holding her hand. She drew a deep breath..........................then nothing. No exhale. No movement to her body. It just stopped. Yet in that moment, my Mom made the transition that we all must follow.
I remember thinking to myself, " That's it? That is all there is to death? One moment you're drawing breath, the next it's over?" Yes, that is the way it is.
The next few hours were a blur as phone calls were made and the plans were begun for Mom's funeral.
In all of this activity, I had called a good friend, David Asbury, to let him know of my Mom's death. He shared with me a verse that has brought me great strength over the years.
Psalm 116:15
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of His saints.
God, who possess all power and authority, still sees the passing of His creation as something that is precious and not to be feared.
Another of my friends made reference to death being the ultimate healing.
No longer would my Mom suffer.
No longer would the strife and trouble of this world affect her. She was home. She was with my Grandfather and Grandmother. She was with her brothers and sisters. She was with her Lord.
So each year on May 26th, my mind is drawn back to a hospital room at Gadsden Regional Medical Center, and how my Mom made the transition from this life to the next.
I know that I will follow at some point.
I pray that I can do it as well as my Mom did.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
I Thessalonians 4:18
So comfort and encourage each other with these words.What words?
Why would I need encouragement?
The words to lift us up and encourage us that Jesus is coming back.
I don't know.
Then why encourage?
Because life on this side of eternity is pretty hard.
It's really hard if you are a believer, because everyone looks at you like you're a leper.
"Oh...he's a holy joe!"
"Stay away from him, he's one of them!"
The encouragement comes from the simple fact that Jesus is who he claims to be and is going to do what he has said he will do.
He is going to come back for a people.....a church, if you will.
You don't hear too much talk about comforting each other to not give up.
You don't hear too many people talking about Jesus coming back.
I don't care if you consider yourself a pre-tribulation believer or a post-tribulation believer or if your purple with green polka dots.............Jesus is coming back.
I don't know when.
I don't concern myself with that.
But you know what?
Having the hope of his return and knowing that it could be at any moment, that is a comfort.
I like what Paul writes in I Thessalonians 5......
V.1 - I really don't need to write to you about how and when all this (Jesus' return) will happen, dear brothers and sisters. For you know quiet well that the day of the Lord will come unexpectedly, like a thief in the night.
V.9 - For God decided to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, not to pour out his anger on us.
V.10 - He died for us so that we can live with him forever, whether we are dead or alive at the time of his return.
V.11 - So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.
Keep looking up....
God on you..........
Monday, May 24, 2021
Luke 12:19
And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have many good things laid up, (Enough) for many years. Take you ease; eat, drink and enjoy yourself merrily.
There verse above reminds me that there is no time to sit on my laurels in the Kingdom of God.
Each week, each day is an opportunity to learn and grow with God. And believe you me, when I say that I need to grow........I mean it.
New day to a new week.
Another chance given to me, by God, to get it right.
Last week, I said the wrong things....
Not only did I say the wrong things, I said them in such a way that they were hurtful....
But this week, after praying and receiving forgiveness for my actions and behavior, I get an opportunity to get it right.
New day to a new week.
Another chance to get it right.
Last week, I chose my flesh over what God wanted.
I saw you walking down the interstate, and I knew that I was suppose to stop and pick you up. But I didn't. A million reasons flooded my mind about how you could be a dangerous psychopath with murder in your heart. Once again as I drove past you...and the miles piled up between us, God spoke and asked, "Why? Why didn't you stop."
Oh God, I am such a mess. But this week, after praying and receiving forgiveness for my actions and my behaviors, I get another opportunity to get it right. I will listen more closely to You, Lord, and not so much to my flesh.
New day to a new week.
Another chance to get it right.
Last week, I doubted You, God, and Your ability.
I found myself in a situation where I totally knew that You had placed me in, yet I did not believe you would come through on Your end. So....I tried to help you out by taking control of the situation. Can you say, "Messed it up!"
Once again....praying..."It's me again, Lord. Why do you keep working through me? Why do you even fool with me?" His answer? "I love you and that's what I do." Last week, I tried to help (which is a kind of Christian-ese slang for "Get out of the way God, You're not doing it the way I want it done). But this week, after praying and receiving forgiveness for my Pharisee mindset, I get another opportunity to get it right. I will wait for You, Lord. I will wait for You.
That's the great part about the Kingdom and person of God.
You can mess up, but the whole confession / repentance / forgiveness / restoration thing sets you right to try again. Another opportunity to grow in God. Isn't it funny, not ha-ha funny but strange funny, that when you mess up with the devil, he wants to beat you down and make you wallow around in your mistake, but God wants to raise you up and teach you so that you can move on in life.
In addiction, it's all about the crushing weight of shame and guilt that keeps you from rising up to try again. It takes the Holy Spirit of God talking to your heart, drawing you to a place mentally and spiritually where you will say, "I've got to do something or I'm going to lay here and die." God is the "raising up" God. He is the "healer" of all our mess. That is why on Monday's I look at it as another opportunity to make right all the mess I created last week. A do-over if you will.
So it doesn't matter how many cravings you had last week.
It doesn't matter how many times you quit last week.
It serves no purpose to allow last week to dictate to you what this week is going to be like. It's a new week and a new opportunity to move forward with God.
Why not ask Him to teach you how to pray more effectively?
Why not ask Him to put a person in your path today that you might minister to. (Remember "Minister" means to serve). Serve in whatever capacity God needs you to.
You are go flavor your part of the Kingdom of God.
You are go drive away darkness in your part of the Kingdom of God.
You are an image bearer of God. Go let others see God in you.
You are a new creation, raised up from the ashes of an old lifestyle that kept you in bondage and slavery to drugs and alcohol. Go be a witness to the power of God.
It's Monday....
God on you....
And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have many good things laid up, (Enough) for many years. Take you ease; eat, drink and enjoy yourself merrily.
There verse above reminds me that there is no time to sit on my laurels in the Kingdom of God.
Each week, each day is an opportunity to learn and grow with God. And believe you me, when I say that I need to grow........I mean it.
New day to a new week.
Another chance given to me, by God, to get it right.
Last week, I said the wrong things....
Not only did I say the wrong things, I said them in such a way that they were hurtful....
But this week, after praying and receiving forgiveness for my actions and behavior, I get an opportunity to get it right.
New day to a new week.
Another chance to get it right.
Last week, I chose my flesh over what God wanted.
I saw you walking down the interstate, and I knew that I was suppose to stop and pick you up. But I didn't. A million reasons flooded my mind about how you could be a dangerous psychopath with murder in your heart. Once again as I drove past you...and the miles piled up between us, God spoke and asked, "Why? Why didn't you stop."
Oh God, I am such a mess. But this week, after praying and receiving forgiveness for my actions and my behaviors, I get another opportunity to get it right. I will listen more closely to You, Lord, and not so much to my flesh.
New day to a new week.
Another chance to get it right.
Last week, I doubted You, God, and Your ability.
I found myself in a situation where I totally knew that You had placed me in, yet I did not believe you would come through on Your end. So....I tried to help you out by taking control of the situation. Can you say, "Messed it up!"
Once again....praying..."It's me again, Lord. Why do you keep working through me? Why do you even fool with me?" His answer? "I love you and that's what I do." Last week, I tried to help (which is a kind of Christian-ese slang for "Get out of the way God, You're not doing it the way I want it done). But this week, after praying and receiving forgiveness for my Pharisee mindset, I get another opportunity to get it right. I will wait for You, Lord. I will wait for You.
That's the great part about the Kingdom and person of God.
You can mess up, but the whole confession / repentance / forgiveness / restoration thing sets you right to try again. Another opportunity to grow in God. Isn't it funny, not ha-ha funny but strange funny, that when you mess up with the devil, he wants to beat you down and make you wallow around in your mistake, but God wants to raise you up and teach you so that you can move on in life.
In addiction, it's all about the crushing weight of shame and guilt that keeps you from rising up to try again. It takes the Holy Spirit of God talking to your heart, drawing you to a place mentally and spiritually where you will say, "I've got to do something or I'm going to lay here and die." God is the "raising up" God. He is the "healer" of all our mess. That is why on Monday's I look at it as another opportunity to make right all the mess I created last week. A do-over if you will.
So it doesn't matter how many cravings you had last week.
It doesn't matter how many times you quit last week.
It serves no purpose to allow last week to dictate to you what this week is going to be like. It's a new week and a new opportunity to move forward with God.
Why not ask Him to teach you how to pray more effectively?
Why not ask Him to put a person in your path today that you might minister to. (Remember "Minister" means to serve). Serve in whatever capacity God needs you to.
You are go flavor your part of the Kingdom of God.
You are go drive away darkness in your part of the Kingdom of God.
You are an image bearer of God. Go let others see God in you.
You are a new creation, raised up from the ashes of an old lifestyle that kept you in bondage and slavery to drugs and alcohol. Go be a witness to the power of God.
It's Monday....
God on you....
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Romans 5:1
Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ..
Within what is perceived as Christianity today, there are some words and terms that have fallen out of favor.
We no longer need them because we have moved beyond to a new awareness. Or so we think.
We no longer need them because we have moved beyond to a new awareness. Or so we think.
What are these words?
Justified! What an amazing word.
Made Right.
Put in Right Standing.
Put in Right Standing.
Not by our own works or way. Not by our intellect and the ability to solve problems. Not by our image or interaction with others. Not by how much we give to the church or to the poor. Not by how many conferences we attended or even how spiritual we may appear.
Not by our Christian t-shirts or even the fact that we have that fish on the bumper of our car.
(IF we are truly bold witnesses, we will have the Greek letters inside the fish)
Justified....made right by the blood of Jesus the Christ.
It is my faith in Christ and the work He accomplished on Calvary that justifies me before God.
It is the shed blood of Jesus that allows God to even look at me. If not for the blood, I am lost.
IF not for the blood of Jesus, mankind stands condemned before almighty God.
I know this in my head, but when I consider what He has done for me, I am overcome.
By faith (my relying on, clinging to and trusting in Christ) I am laid hold of by God.
Claimed as His possession.
Bought with a price.
Bought with a price.
Romans 4:24-25
"It shall be imputed to us who believe in Him who raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead, who was delivered up because of our offenses, and was raised because of our justification."
I am broke free from the slavery, bondage and ways of this world, and transplanted into God's kingdom.
I am broke free from the slavery, bondage and ways of this world, and transplanted into God's kingdom.
What is God's Kingdom?
Wherever His rule and reign are being carried out and obeyed in the hearts of people.
Wherever His rule and reign are being carried out and obeyed in the hearts of people.
That is why the Apostle Paul said that the world is crucified to him (dead) and he is crucified to the world.
The world had nothing to offer Paul.
Paul had a mission, just as Christ has given each of us a mission.
There is someone out there who needs to hear our story.
There is someone out there who needs this justification that God offers.
To be made in right standing with God.
God is no longer an enemy to you, but becomes your source of strength and life.
There is someone out there who needs to hear our story.
There is someone out there who needs this justification that God offers.
To be made in right standing with God.
God is no longer an enemy to you, but becomes your source of strength and life.
Don't be deceived.
God on you....
Saturday, May 22, 2021
I am a son of the South.
I did not ask to born here.
My home is here.
I cannot see myself living in any other part of this nation.
Kudzu....sweet tea....catching fireflies...cutting a watermelon on a hot summer afternoon....front porches.....hide and seek...Homemade ice cream...these were all a part of my childhood.
As well as working the garden.....hauling coal and/or wood in during the winter to heat our home.....banking the ashes at night so the fire could be stoked come morning.....slopping the pigs.....feeding dogs and assorted other farm type crech-tures (as Ernest T. Bass would say)...shelling peas on the back porch...stringing beans....capping strawberries....shucking corn and removing the silk.....catching June Bugs and tying a string around their leg so they could fly, as you guided them.
Our house was always full of music. WVOK out of Birmingham was usually going as my mother went about her daily chores. Sunday morning was reserved for the Chuck Wagon Gang, a Southern gospel quartet that my Dad liked. How well I know because of this group, that "On the Jericho Road...there's room for just more or no less....Just Jesus and you."
I spent countless hours ridding my bicycle along the back roads looking for "coke" bottles that could be returned to our local store to collect the deposit so I could get enough money to go the movies. Digging for worms and catching crickets to one penny for every two worms / crickets I could catch. Sold them to Pawdy Moore, who in turn sold them to fishermen in search of bait. This was my childhood.
I learned at an early age that I had a second was the people of the church we attended. Men like Lewis Wood, Don Gentry, Levan Parker, Hugh Chambliss brought the word down that lead me to Christ. Their teaching helped me understand that through my veins flows the blood of a sinner. It was the salvation offer to me by Jesus that covered my sinfulness.
My blood came from the Bynum's and the Perry's. It was blood that was forged in hundreds of revival meetings that were held in countless country churches on hot July evenings. I carry the blood of my ancestors who settled in Blount county long before Alabama was a state. This is the line that I was born into. I guess you could call them God-fearing people.
My ancestors attended revival meetings where the air hung thick with shouts of "hallelujah" and "Praise God". Many of my ancestors were moved to the "call" of God to take the word to others. I, like them, had to come to terms with my own sinfulness, and such coming to terms has been a part of my journey. Finding the truth for myself that it was the blood of Christ that covered my sinfulness and paid a debt that I could never pay on my own. Without HIS blood, I would have suffered eternal separation from the presence of God. It was during a revival I attended on one of those hot July nights that God called me. I knew it, but I didn't want answer His call. I didn't even want to acknowledge that it was real and for me. I had more excuses than Carter had pills. My excuses became fuel for my running from God. But the call never changed, and it followed me for 33 years. Somehow I knew God would win this battle between us. Now I can't see myself doing anything else. As it was so eloquently stated in the movie "O'Brother Where Art Thou?" I was just dumber than a bag of hammers.
Old faded pictures of unknown creek banks lined with recent converts to be baptized reveal the truth of ancestors who came before me. Men who answered God's call to preach His word. Not many "flowery" words in the teaching of that day. Times were hard and life was harder still, so were the words that came down from the pulpit. Not condemnation from the Pharisees, but rather the reality of where you were headed if you continued to live outside of relationship with Jesus. There seemed to be a collective fear/reverence toward God back in those days. We are much smarter now and have no need to acknowledge God in this way. We have taken His majesty and Presence and boiled it down to such phrases as the "big man upstairs"..."My buddy"..."J.C." Wonder what God thinks about all this?
If you played the music at the top of this posting, you'll find a piece that stirs a sense of longing and looking back at the journey you are traveling at this time. At this stage of the journey my goals have become fewer and the ones that I do still hang on to are more defined. Age has a way of grabbing your attention and showing you what is really important in this old life we live.
That is unless you allow the world to become your god, then you, as it says in Jeremiah, wind up chasing emptiness...and become empty yourself.
My God tops my list of what is truly important in life.
How could I ever repay Him? I can't. He doesn't expect me to repay, rather He does expect me to obey. To live a life that is pleasing to Him. This I will do.
My family comes next....
So proud that my two sons, Chad and Josh, have gone miles beyond what I have accomplished. Their respective wives...Robin and Heather, are the daughters that Vicki and I never had. I love them as such. Never could I ever replace their own fathers, nor would I wish to, but they are a part of my heart and my family.
Grand kids, Tyler and Ashley...They have reached the point that I do not believe I can refer to them as "kids" any more. I look at them and the way they are turning out and I am grateful that God has His hand on each of them. Good man and young lady. I just want to help them in any way I can.
My wife....
Traveler in this journey, we have navigated our share of storms, bumps, differences, and assorted other terms that show that marriage has to be worked on. There is daily maintenance that one has to do if one wants a good marriage.
1.) Laugh...and do so often and daily.
2.) Hold even when there isn't any music....
3.) Go out at 9 p.m. to buy her some chocolate simply because she wants some. She'll balk and tell me not to, but I know that such a task is important to me. I want to because I love her.
4.) Talk.....and then when you some more. Share your day..share your victories and your setbacks. Talk...
5.) If your spouse isn't your best friend, you may need to step back and reload.
6.) Cover her with prayer. Always have her back. Be her champion.
7.) Never go to bed angry at each other. Never be afraid to admit your wrong.
8.) Realize that there doesn't always have to be words between you. Sometimes you simply sit and hold each other, drawing strength from the common love and bond that been forged between the two of you.
What am I trying to say in this rambling posting this morning? I'm not sure. I think maybe I just needed to share who I really am, and where I've come from.
Now, here today, May 22, 2021, there are still a lot of hills to climb...streams to ford....paths to follow....and one voice that leads me through them all. The voice of my Father.
I think maybe I'll see what's around that bend up ahead.
God on you...
I did not ask to born here.
My home is here.
I cannot see myself living in any other part of this nation.
Kudzu....sweet tea....catching fireflies...cutting a watermelon on a hot summer afternoon....front porches.....hide and seek...Homemade ice cream...these were all a part of my childhood.
As well as working the garden.....hauling coal and/or wood in during the winter to heat our home.....banking the ashes at night so the fire could be stoked come morning.....slopping the pigs.....feeding dogs and assorted other farm type crech-tures (as Ernest T. Bass would say)...shelling peas on the back porch...stringing beans....capping strawberries....shucking corn and removing the silk.....catching June Bugs and tying a string around their leg so they could fly, as you guided them.
Our house was always full of music. WVOK out of Birmingham was usually going as my mother went about her daily chores. Sunday morning was reserved for the Chuck Wagon Gang, a Southern gospel quartet that my Dad liked. How well I know because of this group, that "On the Jericho Road...there's room for just more or no less....Just Jesus and you."
I spent countless hours ridding my bicycle along the back roads looking for "coke" bottles that could be returned to our local store to collect the deposit so I could get enough money to go the movies. Digging for worms and catching crickets to one penny for every two worms / crickets I could catch. Sold them to Pawdy Moore, who in turn sold them to fishermen in search of bait. This was my childhood.
I learned at an early age that I had a second was the people of the church we attended. Men like Lewis Wood, Don Gentry, Levan Parker, Hugh Chambliss brought the word down that lead me to Christ. Their teaching helped me understand that through my veins flows the blood of a sinner. It was the salvation offer to me by Jesus that covered my sinfulness.
My blood came from the Bynum's and the Perry's. It was blood that was forged in hundreds of revival meetings that were held in countless country churches on hot July evenings. I carry the blood of my ancestors who settled in Blount county long before Alabama was a state. This is the line that I was born into. I guess you could call them God-fearing people.
My ancestors attended revival meetings where the air hung thick with shouts of "hallelujah" and "Praise God". Many of my ancestors were moved to the "call" of God to take the word to others. I, like them, had to come to terms with my own sinfulness, and such coming to terms has been a part of my journey. Finding the truth for myself that it was the blood of Christ that covered my sinfulness and paid a debt that I could never pay on my own. Without HIS blood, I would have suffered eternal separation from the presence of God. It was during a revival I attended on one of those hot July nights that God called me. I knew it, but I didn't want answer His call. I didn't even want to acknowledge that it was real and for me. I had more excuses than Carter had pills. My excuses became fuel for my running from God. But the call never changed, and it followed me for 33 years. Somehow I knew God would win this battle between us. Now I can't see myself doing anything else. As it was so eloquently stated in the movie "O'Brother Where Art Thou?" I was just dumber than a bag of hammers.
Old faded pictures of unknown creek banks lined with recent converts to be baptized reveal the truth of ancestors who came before me. Men who answered God's call to preach His word. Not many "flowery" words in the teaching of that day. Times were hard and life was harder still, so were the words that came down from the pulpit. Not condemnation from the Pharisees, but rather the reality of where you were headed if you continued to live outside of relationship with Jesus. There seemed to be a collective fear/reverence toward God back in those days. We are much smarter now and have no need to acknowledge God in this way. We have taken His majesty and Presence and boiled it down to such phrases as the "big man upstairs"..."My buddy"..."J.C." Wonder what God thinks about all this?
If you played the music at the top of this posting, you'll find a piece that stirs a sense of longing and looking back at the journey you are traveling at this time. At this stage of the journey my goals have become fewer and the ones that I do still hang on to are more defined. Age has a way of grabbing your attention and showing you what is really important in this old life we live.
That is unless you allow the world to become your god, then you, as it says in Jeremiah, wind up chasing emptiness...and become empty yourself.
My God tops my list of what is truly important in life.
How could I ever repay Him? I can't. He doesn't expect me to repay, rather He does expect me to obey. To live a life that is pleasing to Him. This I will do.
My family comes next....
So proud that my two sons, Chad and Josh, have gone miles beyond what I have accomplished. Their respective wives...Robin and Heather, are the daughters that Vicki and I never had. I love them as such. Never could I ever replace their own fathers, nor would I wish to, but they are a part of my heart and my family.
Grand kids, Tyler and Ashley...They have reached the point that I do not believe I can refer to them as "kids" any more. I look at them and the way they are turning out and I am grateful that God has His hand on each of them. Good man and young lady. I just want to help them in any way I can.
My wife....
Traveler in this journey, we have navigated our share of storms, bumps, differences, and assorted other terms that show that marriage has to be worked on. There is daily maintenance that one has to do if one wants a good marriage.
1.) Laugh...and do so often and daily.
2.) Hold even when there isn't any music....
3.) Go out at 9 p.m. to buy her some chocolate simply because she wants some. She'll balk and tell me not to, but I know that such a task is important to me. I want to because I love her.
4.) Talk.....and then when you some more. Share your day..share your victories and your setbacks. Talk...
5.) If your spouse isn't your best friend, you may need to step back and reload.
6.) Cover her with prayer. Always have her back. Be her champion.
7.) Never go to bed angry at each other. Never be afraid to admit your wrong.
8.) Realize that there doesn't always have to be words between you. Sometimes you simply sit and hold each other, drawing strength from the common love and bond that been forged between the two of you.
What am I trying to say in this rambling posting this morning? I'm not sure. I think maybe I just needed to share who I really am, and where I've come from.
Now, here today, May 22, 2021, there are still a lot of hills to climb...streams to ford....paths to follow....and one voice that leads me through them all. The voice of my Father.
I think maybe I'll see what's around that bend up ahead.
God on you...
Friday, May 21, 2021
Casual Christian
Got up this morning with this song running through my thoughts. Why this song? Why now? Got my coffee and headed to my office to look in the Word. Had an idea of where to go, but wasn't sure if this was the answer to the song I was hearing.
First stop: John 6:68. If you've never read this passage, let me give you some background. Jesus has told a group (including the twelve disciples) that if they did not "Eat His flesh and drink His blood" they could pretty much know they do not have life in Him. Now of course He is figuratively speaking....not a literal act of eating and drinking. Anyway, this was a hard thing for them to grasp, and in verse 66 it says that many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.
Jesus, in His wisdom, turns to the original 12 and ask..."Do you also want to go away?" to which Peter replies, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life". In other words, we can't go back...we've hitched our wagon to You and we've got to follow. Jesus alone possess the words of eternal life. No one else in this world ideology...can say and accomplish what Jesus can when it comes to eternal life.
I fear that many today have fallen in love with this world at the expense of turning from Jesus. Oh they may not openly say that. They may go to church, tithe and serve in some way, but their hearts are latched to the things of this world. To the lifestyle they have built for themselves. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said his book The Cost Of Discipleship that there are those who want only enough Jesus so that they would not end up in hell. Don't think it works that way. You don't use the creator of this universe as some sort of houseboy to meet your personal needs and desires. You don't claim allegiance to Christ and live like the world. Now I'm not advocating that we all sell everything we own and move to a mountain top, grow organic vegetables and wear robes and sandals. I am advocating a truth that if you come to Christ, then your life is no longer your own. It belongs to Him. My life isn't my own? Maybe this is part of the "Denying of self" and taking up my own personal cross as a reminder that I no longer can live on the economy of this world, with its systems and agenda's, but have been called to live on the economy of heaven. Following Christ where ever He might lead me. Pretty heady stuff.
I have spent far too many years being a casual Christian. Using it as a get-out-hell-free card. Look around! This world, this nation is sliding down a slippery slop of sin and rejection of God, to embrace the darkness of Satan and self. It could be that during this time, God is calling out to see who will truly "leave everything".
Don't confuse what I'm saying by saying that God is going to raise up Super-Christian's. He is empowering those whose hearts are truly committed to Him, and in doing so, strengthening them for whatever lies ahead.
I'm no prophet, nor do I claim to be, but I know that now is not the time to circle the wagons. so to speak. Now is the time for the church...the real strengthen, through Christ, our hearts and minds so that we can shine into a dark world with the reality of who Christ is. So let us live like no other, love like no other, and worship our God like we never have before. Ask Him to show you what it is you are suppose to do. I believe He will tell you.
thanks for letting me ramble this morning.
God on you....
Thursday, May 20, 2021
John Wimber....Pastor/ teacher / follower of Jesus.
If you asked John who he was, he would reply, "I'm just an old fat man trying to get to heaven."
John had ample parts of humanness in him.
John had a heart that broke when the humanness (sin nature) would rear it's ugly head.
John was just crazy enough to believe that Jesus was who He said He was...
and that the works that Jesus did are still available to all who want to partake in God's Kingdom.
John called us moving and ministering in the Kingdom of God...."DOING THE STUFF."
John had his encourager's --- John had his detractors.
As with anyone who has a call on their life, there are voices that would accuse and criticize.
John knew that this was part of the call.
John never grew beyond repentance or thought himself to be above saying, "I messed up, forgive me Lord."
I have never heard anyone speak the truth of God and the Kingdom like John Wimber.
It was natural and without hype.
John's heart was that everyone who is saved is called to do the works of Jesus.
Pray for the sick.
Cast out demons..
Visit the sick
Feed the poor
Visit those in jail.
And yes....
even raise the dead.
From time to time someone will ask me where I went to Seminary for my training.
I always laugh and say, "The Full Gospel Closet."
During my time at Gadsden Vineyard, I had the incredible opportunity to spend 8 years going through a closet full of teaching and instruction by John Wimber and those close to him.
It formed my view of the Kingdom of God, which I believe is the central message that Jesus taught.
I saw that the Kingdom was here but not complete
Mark 1:15 -- The Kingdom ( or rule and reign of God) is near
Matthew 12:28 - The Kingdom is among us.
Luke 17:21 - Kingdom of God is already here.
We are aware of God's rule and reign in our lives and the dynamics of God at work around us, but we also realize that the work has not been completed.
Probably the greatest single most powerful prayer a believer could pray is found in Matthew 6:10
"May Your Kingdom rule and reign come soon -- May Your Kingdom will be done on earth as it is being done in heaven."
It all comes down to us, as believers and followers of Jesus, allowing the Kingdom of God to be expressed in our midst (our daily lives).
Where the Kingdom is being expressed (or manifested)
Where the Kingdom is being expressed (or manifested)
1.) People are delivered-- saved and/ or healed from the many expressions of sin
2.) God demonstrates His power over nature due to satanic interference
3.) The Power of God is manifested.
My prayer is that we see an increase of the Kingdom of God in this age.
That God would assert His power and authority over the evil one (devil) and the deeds or works that define and reveal lives that are trapped in sin and bondage.
Galatians 1:4 reads: Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, on order to rescue us from (or out of) this (present) evil world (age) in which we live.
With the coming of Jesus, the future age has come into this present time and space. The Kingdom of God has been fulfilled but not consummated.
We will see the consummation when Jesus takes His bride (the church).
The New Testament was written from the view that God's Kingdom had interrupted human history. It had invaded our time and space, declaring war on the works of Satan.
Where God's will is being expressed, there the Kingdom is......
Where God's Kingdom is being expressed, there we find healing.
Please do not misinterpret my love and affection for John Wimber as if I am placing him on a pedestal to worship -- I'm not.
I am merely grateful for such a man as John and the teachings he poured his life into.
I am a disciple of Christ...
Christ taught me through John Wimber.
What I teach others is the from the Word of God
but it rings with the accent and love of John Wimber....
I wanted to repost this because I am going to attempt to teach what I have learned about serving in God's Kingdom.
The first teaching will be this coming Saturday night / 7 p.m.
You can catch it on ReCovery Church on Broad Street Facebook page.
Thanks for letting me ramble this morning.
God on you...
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