Monday, May 3, 2021



Psalm 46:10 - Be still and know that I am God....I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.

Being still is more than a lack of movement.....Standing or sitting in one place for a period of time. It is a ceasing of all activity.......mental and physical. Our thoughts are turned to God, even though we may not fully understand what is going on or why such is happening. We just have an inner-knowing that we are to be still in His presence.

Such happened Saturday night @ ReCovery Church. The song choices of the worship set seem to prime the spiritual pump for God to reveal himself. I know all this may sound jumbled and hokey with a heaping does of religiosity to it, but it's hard to explain.

The worship set closed with the song "Good Shepard"....and the phrase that kept coming to mind was "Lead on!". Lead on through the darkness of the night.........lead on." At the conclusion of the song, no one one clapped....nothing was was just silent. If you watch the video, you'll see that everyone just remained still. Everyone in that room was aware that God was present and something, even though we didn't have words, was happening.

The silence continued. Now as a general rule, we do not like silence. We like to at least have some background noise to break silence. When things are silent we are left with our own thoughts and emotions, and sometimes that is uncomfortable. I confess that I am uncomfortable with silence. As I stood there I  knew that God was working in our midst, but at the same time, I was battling the thought of "We need to move on, we've got a meeting to finish!" As quick as that thought would try to invade my mind, it would be shut down by "But God is here!!" I chose not to act but rather simply not move and keep myself in the moment of this silence.

As the minutes clicked by, the cares of this world seem to fall away were replaced with a desire to stay in this place. It was a  moment that God seemed to have carved out in our meeting where the reality of who He is became even more real to those who were in the room. I know it must have looked strange to anyone who was viewing the live stream, so I wanted to take a moment and explain what took place Saturday night.

I think we need more of these "BE STILL" moments in our lives. Where the reality of God transcends the noise of this world, driving it aside so the reality of our relationship to Him becomes even more real. 

Truth be known, it was a good night @ ReCovery Church.....

Now let take it with us as we move out this Monday morning...

God on you...


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