Friday, May 21, 2021

Casual Christian

Got up this morning with this song running through my thoughts. Why this song? Why now? Got my coffee and headed to my office to look in the Word. Had an idea of where to go, but wasn't sure if this was the answer to the song I was hearing.

First stop:  John 6:68. If you've never read this passage, let me give you some background. Jesus has told a group (including the twelve disciples) that if they did not "Eat His flesh and drink His blood" they could pretty much know they do not  have life in Him. Now of course He is figuratively speaking....not a literal act of eating and drinking. Anyway, this was a hard thing for them to grasp, and in verse 66 it says that many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more.
Jesus, in His wisdom, turns to the original 12 and ask..."Do you also want to go away?" to which Peter replies, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life". In other words, we can't go back...we've hitched our wagon to You and we've got to follow. Jesus alone possess the words of eternal life. No one else in this world ideology...can say and accomplish what Jesus can when it comes to eternal life.

I fear that many today have fallen in love with this world at the expense of turning from Jesus. Oh they may not openly say that. They may go to church, tithe and serve in some way, but their hearts are latched to the things of this world. To the lifestyle they have built for themselves. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said his book The Cost Of Discipleship that there are those who want only enough Jesus so that they would not end up in hell. Don't think it works that way. You don't use the creator of this universe as some sort of houseboy to meet your personal needs and desires. You don't claim allegiance to Christ and live like the world. Now I'm not advocating that we all sell everything we own and move to a mountain top, grow organic vegetables and wear robes and sandals. I am advocating a truth that if you come to Christ, then your life is no longer your own. It belongs to Him. My life isn't my own? Maybe this is part of the "Denying of self" and taking up my own personal cross as a reminder that I no longer can live on the economy of this world, with its systems and agenda's, but have been called to live on the economy of heaven. Following Christ where ever He might lead me. Pretty heady stuff.

I have spent far too many years being a casual Christian. Using it as a get-out-hell-free card. Look around! This world, this nation is sliding down a slippery slop of sin and rejection of God, to embrace the darkness of Satan and self. It could be that during this time, God is calling out to see who will truly "leave everything".
Don't confuse what I'm saying by saying that God is going to raise up Super-Christian's. He is empowering those whose hearts are truly committed to Him, and in doing so, strengthening them for whatever lies ahead.

I'm no prophet, nor do I claim to be, but I know that now is not the time to circle the wagons. so to speak. Now is the time for the church...the real strengthen, through Christ, our hearts and minds so that we can shine into a dark world with the reality of who Christ is. So let us live like no other, love like no other, and worship our God like we never have before. Ask Him to show you what it is you are suppose to do. I believe He will tell you.

thanks for letting me ramble this morning.
God on you....

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