Thursday, May 6, 2021



Found myself in the book of Job this morning. Yeah, I know.....not exactly a "Happy, happy, joy, joy" kind of reading material. But there is a wealth of understanding if you study it.

Old Job had probably one of the worst days a man could ever have. Got up that morning with the world by the tail, and in a matter of few hours, lost everything. All his wealth, his servants, and his children. But the words that caught my attention this morning were the ones that Job spoke after he had received the news of this collective calamity that had come to him.

"In all this, Job did not sin in what he said."

We have a tendency to define sin as actions and deeds that a person does. not the words they say. Job did not give into the flesh and lash out with his words against God. His understanding and wisdom he had acquired over the years came out in what he said prior to "Job did not sin in what he said."

"Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"

Knowing that we live in a world that has fallen under the influence of sin, why are we surprised when suffering comes our way. Now, I'm not talking about the self-inflicted kind of sin and trouble we create out of our own bad choices and sinful heart. I'm talking about situations and circumstances that come upon us that are beyond our control. The ones that seem to blindside us. The ones that seem to suck the very life and will out of you. How are we going to approach such? Are we "Fair-weather" followers of Jesus? Or do we bare the scars and wounds of such encounters. When those we love turn on us for no other reason than we have chosen to follow Jesus! Their love for us has disappeared and we are the topic of conversation that borders on "word curses" as it is directed toward us. It is so easy to take our love back from times like this, but God has commanded us to not do so. Love.........Love no matter what. We do not turn our tongues and words into weapons that cut and wound others. We do not sin by using our words to inflict emotional and mental torment.

Ephesians 4:29 / Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen

Maybe that is why we also read that we are to be "Slow to speak"....choosing our words carefully before we speak. This lesson today if for me! Too often I give the best speech I ever regretted, letting the words flow and at the same time thinking "I wish I hadn't said that." Once them bad boys are out the mouth, it a little too late to fish'em back.
Think on these things today.

God on you...


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