Thursday, November 25, 2021



Found this picture from 1998.... First meeting of NEW COMPASSION'S @ Gadsden Vineyard. Who are those young folks. This was taken before I knew anything about Rapha (drug and alcohol treatment center). I was given the honor of taking over the service from Brook and Jennifer Finlayson. So here we 1 for us.

From that day until now, God has been faithful even when we lapsed into times where we weren't. His word was true, yes and amen. He never faltered in His promises. I look at this picture and I have to remind myself how far God has brought us. This was before my sons found the women who are now our daughters-in-law. It was before our grandchildren were born. It was long before there was such  a thing as ReCovery church. I wonder if I'd done things differently had I known where it would lead. All I know is that if I'd stepped in and tried to run the train....there would have been a derailment of epic proportions.

So why the trip down memory lane? On this day of thanksgiving, Vicki and I realize how blessed we have been, and continue to be. Now blessing doesn't mean that we've tread a golden path that has no pain, sorrow or problems. But like I wrote earlier, God has been faithful. On this day where people around this nation will gather for a thanksgiving meal, we just wanted to wish you all a day of gratitude for the faithfulness of God in your lives. 

Happy Thanksgiving...from Michael and Vicki

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