Saturday, April 23, 2022



Psalm 50:6 - Let the heavens declare His righteousness, For God Himself is judge.

Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

This mornings sky held a wonderful picture of God's ability and His faithfulness. There was a planetary alignment that brought 4 of the planets together near the moon. Standing there in my front yard ( Yes, I guess if my neighbor's were up they would have thought me a bit looney) gazing up into the night sky, I remembered the words to the two verses above.

It is no accident that this alignment happened. Oh the scientist will chalk it up to time ratios and orbital speed....but to me it is the affirming knowledge that God is in control. The planets move according to His plans. The alignment is physical evidence that God's word is yes and amen. Science would lead us to believe that all that I saw was random chance. A coming together of gases and material, at just the right just the right place....and wham-o (does anyone really say ":wham-o any more?) planets were created. O.k....just suppose that this was the case, the coming together of elements, heat, timing everything science holds dear. Science might be able to offer a theory as to the how...but they forget the WHO. That is the thing I love when people start pondering the mystery of nature and the planets. They all about spewing out conjecture and what they believe to be true. But in the end they cannot tell you why creation happened. Maybe how it did, but never why. 

Call me simpleton. Refer to me as a backwoods rube. Uneducated and classless...but when my Bible says, "In the beginning God created"....well, I take that at face value. What difference does it make as to the "how", when you know the WHO.

Thanks for letting me share this morning. He is a great God. Everyday.....all day...all the time.

God on you...

michael b.

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