Friday, April 15, 2022



Good Friday --- Jesus on the cross ----Many will gather tonight to celebrate the events of His death and resurrection by remembering the price that was paid so that we no longer lived under the penalty of sin. That salvation came through His death and resurrection. But I also think that this weekend should be spent in looking into our own hearts.

Look into our own hearts and realize the potential and the endless possibilities we possess to embrace darkness and reject light...God's light. Life on this side of the cross is a daily war between Spirit and flesh. Flesh rises up to take control and direct the mind and body. The Spirit brings the truth of God to this fight.

I write these words this morning because of a verse that jumped out at me as I was reading. Two words collectively spoken by a crowd of people. Two words that sealed the fate of Jesus. When confronted by the choices that the Roman Procurator, Pilate, offered to the crowd, they came back with those words...."Crucify Him!". Words that were tinged with hatred.  Words that were aimed at this one man who innocent of every charge leveled against Him. What must these words sounded like to Jesus? Here were the very ones He came to die for. Here were the people that "God so loved" that He sent Jesus to die and be the sin payment. Yet their words continued to ring loud and long..."Crucify Him!!".

What am I trying to say this morning? That if I were present at the time of Jesus' death, I may very well have been in that crowd shouting those words. I don't want to consider this fact. That I do have an old nature that rises up to draw me back into the darkness. Maybe knowing this about myself is why I push on daily to follow Jesus.  Maybe this knowledge of what I am capable of (given the right situation) keeps me taking inventory of my heart....looking at my attitudes and well as my thoughts.

I do not want to be like Peter, thumping my chest and proclaiming that I would never deny my Christ, then turning around and actually carry out the prophetic words of Christ that Peter would deny him three times before the rooster crowed.

So as we move into Good Friday and approach Easter morning, why not take a moment and ask God to show you your own heart. Such will only deepen your need for Him and for the love He continues to pour out.

It may be Friday...and it may be a dark time....

But Sunday is coming!!!

Michael b

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