Wednesday, August 31, 2022



II Peter 3:18 - But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever, amen.

Simple.....grow. Do not remain in the same state spiritually.  Do not stop seeking Jesus in your daily life.  There are only two states of existence in this world... 

#1 - Growing

#2 - Dying

You are either doing one or the other. You cannot remain static in your relationship with Christ. What's more, why would someone want to. Why would someone come for salvation and then believe that it was all over. Nothing left to do. Sit back and enjoy life because you had your golden ticket punched. Next stop...heaven. 

To me, when the verse says we are to grow in grace and knowledge, such a thing takes place because I have a desire to grow. I have an inner urging to not be satisfied with my understanding of who God is. I don't read Scripture because I have to........I do it because I want to. I want to take verses and turn them over...turn them inside and out, all the while asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth that God intends me to see. What's more, I want to take what I have been shown and taught, and apply it to my daily life. 

So the call we read about in II Peter 3 is for us to grow in THE grace. Grace that can only come from the Father. James Ryles defined grace as being "The empowering presence of God in my life, that enables me to be who He created me to be, and to do what He has called me to do."

Grace is a force...

Grace is a power that can only be found in God, given to us by the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. But this grace is given for a purpose. Give to all who believe that we may GROW into the people God created us to be. The devil's primary aim is to keep us from becoming the people of God, moving and living under the "Empowering Presence" of God in our lives.

Keep mindful of God today as you go out to your job, to the market, to school. That you have given yourself to someone far greater than yourself to be used for His purpose.

Find His rest...

Rest in His peace....

In that peace, be filled with His Joy

God on you...

michael b.

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