Tuesday, August 9, 2022


 Sometimes I think we walk around wanting to live and follow Jesus in our daily lives, but at the same time we carry around a little fear that God might ask us to do something we feel we are totally incapable of doing. He might actually ask us to "get out of our comfort zone."

We try to spiritualize what we read in Scripture. We tell ourselves that God really doesn't expect us to give "everything" up, He just wants us to be ready and willing too if the time should come when He requires such. Or that we can live our life of comfort as long as we simply attend church, put a few dollars in the offering plate, and have a daily devotion. In other words, we live our life trying to get by with the minimum standard of Christ. As some would say, "I want just enough Jesus to keep me out of hell." 

In Luke chapter 5, we read where Jesus is teaching a multitude of people who are standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret. The crowd begins to press in on Jesus, so He climbs into a boat that just happened to belong to Simon (later named Peter). Jesus tells Simon to "Put out a little from the land."  Simon complies with this request. In some ways, we want to live out our relationship with Christ like the command given to Simon. Don't get too deep into this relationship. Just put out a little (or do just enough) from the land. Trouble with this is we will never see the fullness of God, or experience the true power of seeing our faith in Him be brought to bear when we face situations that are beyond our control. Maybe we have stayed too near the shore for too long a time.

Eventually Jesus gives Simon another command----"Launch out into the deep waters." Jesus tells Simon that if he is obedient he will come away with a huge catch of fish. Not a bad deal if you are a fisherman. So what does Simon do. He begins to tell Jesus that they have been there.......they went out and fished all night, and they have nothing to show for it. But then Simon says something pretty incredible....."At Your word I will let down the net." This is true obedience! Simon tells Jesus, "Hey! Here is what we've done and we have squat to show for it. But I will obey." 

Maybe that is the attitude I need to take. First off, recognize what I have been trying to do in my own strength and nothing to show for it except that I have worn myself out. Second, I need to understand that the blessings of God come with my obedience to His word. As a good friend of mine puts it..."We need a Nike relationship with Christ......."JUST DO IT!"

You can play it safe by only putting out a little from the land, or you can jump in over your head and and strike out for the deep water......those deep places in Christ. I think I will choose the deep water.

God on you...

michael b

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