Monday, October 31, 2022


Matthew 26:46

"Rise, let us be going. See my betrayer is at hand."

Jesus knew who it was.
He knew what was ahead.
He understood that this was part of the plan.
He did not turn away or shy from moving forward.

I want to be like this.
Even when the betrayer comes to me, that I seek the greater good. The directions of God and do what He desires of me.
Jesus knew it meant death.
Not only physical but also to carry the entire weight of sin for humanity.
It meant taking upon himself the full wrath and force of God because of sin.
Yet he still told his disciples to get up, we need to be walking this out because the betrayer is coming.

He did not shrink back from the call.
He did not suddenly become religious as if to put himself in a better light.
He simply was Jesus.
He did what Jesus would do.
He said what Jesus would have said.
"Get up's time to finish this out."

Jesus knew everyone had a part to play and fulfill in this event.
He knew his very own disciples would run away.
He knew his mother would have to watch him die.
He knew that there would be celebration, not public private, of his death by the ruling religious factions.

All of this and still he said, "Rise, let us be going, See, my betrayer is at hand."

How will you walk out today?
How will react to those who would betray me?
Does betrayal keep me from God's plan or do I run away?
Today, give me strength to not shy from the path you have laid before me.
Help me to walk out your will just for today.




Listening to Keith Green this morning as he sings "How Majestic Is Your Name". I had to  ask myself, "Do I truly unerstnd the...