Saturday, April 9, 2011

Before You Were Born...

Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...
Before you were born I set you apart....

You can read these verses from the book of Jeremiah and it conjures up all kinds of thoughts and images.
We believe that God is truly God but......
Does He really know us before we are born? Why that gets into predestination.
There are plenty of other people that can debate and theologize this concept of God's nature other than me.

What I can do is truly rest in the knowledge that God knows me better than I know myself.
God knows me in deeper ways than I  know myself.
Knowing this about God only deepens my love for Him.
Because He knows even the "stinky" stuff that I am capable of.
He knows the darkness that I embraced and chose to follow before I was saved.
He knows every deep, dark secret I have ever held on to, and, in spite of this, He still loved me.
Loved me enough to offer eternal life through salvation.
He loved me enough to place His Holy Spirit in me to be a spiritual compass pointing me to God's truth.

This I can take to the bank.
God is not caught off guard by anything that happens this day.
Because, after all............He is God!

God on you

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