Saturday, April 16, 2011

Saturday Bible Study

Thought it might  not be a bad idea to take a look at a verse that has been rolling around in my head all morning. I kept going back to it and asking God, "Why this verse?" After much prayer, thought I might just post something. We'll see----maybe someone out there besides me need to "chew" on this verse

Let's take a look at I Peter 2:1
Therefore, putting aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all slander....."
That is a pretty heady list of "stinky" stuff that can really mess us up if we allow it a place in our hearts. I think maybe God is telling me to do an inventory of my character and make sure I don't have any of these attitudes and belief's lurking in me. Get em' out /  Get em' now!
Now before we can delve into this verse, we really need to back up and read the last verse of Chapter one. It has to do with the eternal existence and power of the Word of God. Let's read the verse.
But the Word of the LORD abides forever. And this is the word which was preached to you.

In other words, when we sit under the teaching/preaching of the God's word, we need to understand that it is an eternal truth that is not swayed or corrupted by the things of this world. It is pure and it is the power of God that will affect hearts that receive it. So the last words of Chapter one and the first word of Chapter two is a connection......Therefore....realizing the truth of what we have heard, that it is an eternal truth given to us by God, we should be about the business of ridding ourselves (through the help and power of the Holy Spirit) of our character defects that lead us to sin. Character defects that we sometimes excuse by saying, "Well, that's just me and that's just the way I am." Sorry Charlie! That won't wash with God.

Notice the list we are called to "put aside."
1.) Malice - A nature of badness / one who makes trouble / naughtiness
2.) Guile - A decoy or one who provides a false being or personality/ giving the impression to others that we are living way that we truly are not.
3.) Hypocrisy - Being deceitful in the way we present ourselves to others
4.) Envy - Ill will toward others / jealousy
5.) Slander - Backbiting /  using our words to curse and injure others

Pretty good list don't you think? Of course we read the list and think to ourselves, "Well, I really don't have any of those operating in my I?" I think the main word found in the verse is repeated three times......All malice and All guile and last, but  not least All slander. What falls under all? Every bit, every portion, every smidgen of malice, guile and slander. We are to put it aside.  If I am laying these things aside, there must be a reason. My own thinking and heart tells me that if God is asking me put something aside, it is in order I can receive something else of value from him.  Here in this thought is the very heart of II Corinthians 5:17 ---the old things pass away...the new things have come.

Thank you Lord that you have not left us to work through these character defects in our own strength, but have filled us with your Holy Spirit. I pray that we all submit and follow the simple lead you are calling us to. That we may truly grow up and become the people you desire us to be.
May your name always be on our lips....
May our hearts reflect the worship and praise due your name.

God on you.....

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